Various institutions and organisations have recognised our work and our vocation to contribute towards the progress of society.

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Special consultative status granted to ”la Caixa” Foundation by the UN

Since November 2021, ”la Caixa” Foundation has held special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the main body for the coordination of the UN's economic, social and environmental work. This recognition is the highest status granted by the United Nations to non-governmental organisations and allows the Foundation to participate in the organisation's work, to have a voice and contribute to its agenda.

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EFQM Recognition of Excellence: ”la Caixa” Foundation's route to Excellence

”la Caixa” Foundation has been given the highest level of Recognition of Excellence for Spain, granted by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and distinguishing those organisations, institutions and companies that effectively implement the EFQM Model of Excellence in their management, as well as being firmly committed to achieving stakeholder satisfaction, including their beneficiaries, employees and society as a whole.

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go!ODS award for the innovation of ”la Caixa” Foundation's social projects

The Spanish branch of the Global Compact (Red Española del Pacto Mundial), the foremost initiative for sustainability in the private sector promoted by the United Nations, together with the Rafael del Pino Foundation, have recognised two initiatives promoted by ”la Caixa” Foundation, namely the Alliance for Child Vaccination and the MOM. Ultimate Child Nutrition Plan, as innovative projects that help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS in Spanish), in the very first "go!ODS" Awards.

These distinctions have been created to reward and encourage innovative projects aimed at achieving the SDGs, thereby inspiring Spain's private sector and encouraging collaboration, at the same time as raising awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda.

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”la Caixa” Foundation is granted a special honour at the UN SDG Awards

”la Caixa” Foundation has been granted a special honour at the SDG Awards held in the German city of Bonn.

Through the SDG Awards, for which 700 initiatives were nominated, the United Nations recognises organisations that have been able to mobilise individuals and volunteers to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the case of ”la Caixa” Foundation, the United Nations has valued the work carried out to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals through the "My World" exhibition, whilst also taking into account the contribution made by the Foundation’s different programmes to achieving the goals.

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”la Caixa” Foundation receives the #SomosAyuda Award for its social work

As part of the Somos Ayuda campaign, promoted by the NGO ActionAid, ”la Caixa” Foundation has been recognised as a socially committed company with the #SomosAyuda Award. This acknowledges the social work carried out by the Foundation both in the field of international cooperation and in the area of social action in Spain.

Through this campaign, ActionAid aims to highlight the power of aid and reward the work of people and institutions that help to improve the lives of those in vulnerable situations.

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”la Caixa” Foundation receives EFR certification for its actions related to the work-life balance

”la Caixa” Foundation has received EFR certification, recognition given by the Másfamilia Foundation to organisations that have implemented a work-life balance management model based on continuous improvement and that take action to ensure a balance between professional, personal and family life.

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”la Caixa” Foundation receives the "Equality in the Company" award

Spain’s Ministry for Social Services and Equality has renewed the "Equality in the Company" award given to ”la Caixa” Foundation in 2014 as an organisation committed to equality and opportunities.