We help to improve the employment opportunities and economic conditions of young adults and women in Mozambique by supporting innovative solutions.

What we do

Through the Work4Progress programme, we work to identify employment needs and challenges and promote job creation, especially among young adults and women in vulnerable situations in Cabo Delgado and Maputo in Mozambique.

With this aim in mind, we foster agricultural production in terms of both volume and quality, as well as micro-entrepreneurship, job placement for young adults and medium- and large-scale agro-industrial initiatives through a public-private innovation platform.

Who we work with

In these regions, we work in partnership with three networks of civil society organisations, social enterprises, financial and academic institutions working in coordination:

  • Ayuda en Acción, Espaço Livre Juventude (El J.) and Gapi Sociedade de Investimentos.

  • Cesal, Universidade Lúrio, Unión de Asociaciones Agrícolas de Matutuine (UAAMAT) and GAPI.

  • Enraíza Derechos, Fundaçao Encontro, ATAP (Associaçao dos Técnicos Agropecuarios) and Zajabu.

  • Assessment and monitoring by Universidade Politécnica - FUNDE.

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