Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


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Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.


Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Juan José López Burniol


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Juan José López Burniol, born in Alcanar in 1945, Vice-Chairman of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since March 2017, of which he is Trustee since June 2014. First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since January 2024, having been director since June 2014. Also he is member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee of CriteriaCaixa since its constitution in 2014. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of ESADE, from April 2005 until June 2014, and was a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa” and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He was also a member on the Board of Directors of CaixaBank since June 2011 until June 2016.

He graduated with a Law Degree from the University of Navarra. His activities are focused in four areas: professional, as a notary public (now retired); institutional, as a member of various institutions; academic, as a professor of law; and journalism, as a regular contributor to various articles.

He had been a notary public from 1971 to 2015. He was Dean of the Association of Notaries of Catalonia (1987 – 1990) and Vice-Chairman of the General Council of Notaries (1987 – 1990).

He has also served as a Judge on the High Court of the Mitra de Andorra (1987 – 1993), and Magistrate and First President of the Constitutional Court of the Principality of Andorra (1993 – 2001). A member of the Legal Advisory Commission of the Government of Catalonia (1998 – 2005) and Chairman of the Social Council of the University of Barcelona (2004 – 2007).

Moreover, he has also lectured as a professor of Civil Law at the National University of Distance Education (1977 – 1982), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982 – 1990) and at the Pompeu Fabra University (1990 – 2000). He is currently Vice-Chairman and a board member of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., a board member of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and of Icària, Iniciatives Socials, SAL and Chairman of Fundació Noguera.

He has also been a regular contributor, at various stages, for the newspapers "La Vanguardia", "El Periódico", "El País" and "El Punt-Avui", "TV3", "8tv", "Cadena SER" and "Catalunya Ràdio". He was Chairman of “Tribuna Barcelona” (1995 – 2005).


Last updated: February 2024

Mr. José María Álvarez-Pallete López


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Born in Madrid, in 1963.

Mr. Álvarez-Pallete is member of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation since February 2022. Moreover, since April 2016, he is Chairman & CEO of Telefónica S.A and he joined the board of directors in July 2006. In February 2022 he assumed the Presidency of Fundación Telefónica. Also, since March 2019 he is member of the Advisory Council of SEAT, S.A. and, since February 2022, Chairman of the Board of the GSMA.

In February 1999 he joined the Telefónica Group as Chief Financial Officer of Telefónica Internacional S.A.U., and the same year he became Chief Financial Officer of Telefónica S.A. In 2002, he was appointed Executive Chairman of Telefónica Internacional S.A., between 2006 and 2011, he was General Manager of Telefónica Latinoamérica. In 2011 he was named Executive Chairman of Telefónica Europe, and in 2012 he was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Telefónica S.A.

He began his professional career at Arthur Young Auditors in 1987, before joining Benito & Monjardín/Kidder, Peabody & Co. in 1988. In 1995 he joined CEMEX and he became Chief Administration and Finance Officer of the CEMEX Group Indonesia in 1998.
He has a degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and he also studied Economics at the Free University of Brussels, in Belgium. He holds an International Management Programme from IPADE. 

Among many other distinctions, in 2016, Mr. Álvarez-Pallete was named “Best CEO” in Spain by Forbes Magazine and the Supreme Council for Sports granted him the entry in the “Royal Order of Merit Sports” in the category of Bronze Medal. In 2019 he was granted with the “Cross of Military Merit with white distinction”, he received the “Manager of the Year” award in the Large Corporations category granted by the Asociación Española de Directivos, and was chosen “Business Leader of the Year” by the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce. In 2020 he was awarded with the ECOFIN prize for “Financiero del Año” and the Spanish Marketing Association named him “Líder Empresarial Impulso del Marketing”. In 2021, he was named “Honorary Ambassador of Spain Brand” by the Leading Brands of Spain Forum and Actualidad Económica has recognized him as "Best Businessman of the Year".


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Shlomo Ben Ami


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Shlomo Ben Ami was born in Tangiers in 1943. He has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since January 2017.

He studied at Tel Aviv University, going on to complete his Doctorate in History at Oxford University.

He is currently Executive Vice-Chairman of the Toledo International Centre for Peace, of which he is a co-founder.

He was head of the post-grad School of History at Tel Aviv University from 1982 to 1986.

He was appointed Israel’s ambassador to Spain, serving from 1987 to 1991. He was elected to the Knesset in 1996. During Ehud Barak’s Labour government (1999-2001), he first held office as Minister of Internal Security and then as the country’s Foreign Minister. In this capacity, he was involved in the Camp David Accords, in which he was Israel’s chief negotiator, and he chaired the negotiating team in Taba, when a final attempt was made to secure peace. He continued to be a member of the Knesset, where he sat on the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, as well as on the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

Since 2005, Ben Ami collaborates as a columnist on the Project-Syndicate in international affairs.

In 2012, Ben Ami became special advisor to the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, for the peace negotiations with the FARC guerrilla group, which have now concluded. President Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this achievement.

Since 2016, Professor Ben Ami has held the George McGovern Professorship of International and Public Affairs at the University of Columbia, New York.

Ben Ami is a member of the board of senior advisors of the International Crisis Group.

Currently, he collaborates as a visiting professor at the International Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA.

He has published numerous books in English, Spanish, French and Hebrew: A Front Without a Rearguard: A Voyage to the Boundaries of the Peace Process (2004); Los orígenes de la Segunda República: anatomía de una transición [Anatomy of a Transition] (1990); Italy between Liberalism and Fascism (1986); Spain between Dictatorship and Democracy (1980); Fascism from above: the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, 1923-1930 (1983); The Origins of the Second Republic in Spain (1978); Quel avenir pour Israël? [Which Future for Israel?] (2001); Israel, entre la guerra y la paz [Israel, between war and peace] (1999), and Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, The Israeli-Arab Tragedy (2006).


Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Xavier Brossa Galofré (designated by Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d'Amics del País)


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Born in Sant Quirze del Vallès in 1959.

Mr. Xavier Brossa Galofré has been appointed member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria ”la Caixa” in april of 2024. He is Vice-Chairman of Spanish Directors Association (Asociación Española de Directivos - AED), trustee of Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País and trustee of Món Clínic Foundation (Hospital Clínico de Barcelona). Also, he is part of the Euroleague’s Management Control Commission.

Currently, he does Works about strategical and finance counselling as an Independent Assessor for companies of several sectors.

He began his professional development in PricewaterhouseCoopers Barcelona in 1982, being part of the firm for 36 years. In 1989 he was developing his professional activity for a year in PwC London.

In 1996 he was appointed Audit Senior Manager, and since 2006 he holded the Audit Manager position in the office of PwC in Barcelona until 2018, with more than 700 professionals.

During his professional career has led the audit of national and international big corporations.

He has been member of Board of Directors of Abertis since february, 2018 until july, 2021, and also he holded the Chair of its Audit Committee.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is Sworn Account Censor and member of the Official Register of the Account Audits. He graduated in General Management Program (GMP) and in Senior Business Management Program (PADE) from IESE Business School (University of Navarra) in 1994 and 2016 respectively.


Latest update: July 2024

Mr. Luis Carreras del Rincón (designated by Cruz Roja Española)


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Luis Carreras was born in Granada in 1961. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since July 2018.

He has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1984).

He is a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Barcelona since 1984 and practices as a Lawyer in the law firm "Bufete Carreras Llansana", founded by his father Jorge Carreras Llansana.

He is an expert in Spanish Law in the Courts of Justice of England and Wales.

He is a professor of Civil Litigation in the Master's Degree in Advocacy of Esade Business & Law School, Law Faculty of the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona.

He is Provincial Vice-Chairman of the Cruz Roja in Barcelona and member of the Regional Committee of the Cruz Roja in Catalonia. Also, he is Chairman of the Cruz Roja County Committee in Sant Cugat del Vallés-Rubí-Valldoreix (Barcelona).

He is a Family Counsellor and often gives sessions and conferences on education and family life issues in Spain and other countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Slovenia, Colombia, and Nicaragua). He has been a speaker at international congresses on the subject and has published articles related to education in specialised magazines.


Latest update: March 2022

Ms. Isabel Estapé Tous


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Isabel Estapé is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since May 2018 and member of its Executive Committee, since 2019.

She has a degree in Economics and Business Studies with Cum Laude honours, from the University of Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize).

She joined the Stock Exchange, acting as Agent in Barcelona (1982-1989).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Barcelona Stock Exchange (1989-1990). Also she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Stock Exchange (1990-1995).

Since year 2000, she works as a Notary in Madrid.

She was a member of the Board of Directors of Criteria Caixacorp, S.A since its IPO (October 2007) and of its Executive Committee since its formation (May 2009).

She was a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, S.A., until 2013, and Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission until December 2013.

Member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since December 2013, and Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Commission (December 2014 – December 2018), and she was Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission since its formation in December 2014 until May 2019.

Member of the Board of Directors of Naturgy and of its Audit and Control Committee and Sustainability Committee since March 2020.

Account Auditor. Member of the Spanish Directors' Association "Asociación Española de Directivos (AED)", the International Women’s Forum, of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives "Confederación Española de Directivos y Ejecutivos (CEDE)", of the Business Council Alliance for Latin America "Consejo Empresarial Alianza por Iberoamérica (CEAPI)" and of the Woman Corporate Directors.

In October 2006, she joined as Academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences "Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras".

She is Chairwoman of the Civic Panel "Panel Cívico de los Cien", Trustee of the "Fundación Rojas Estapé", Trustee of the "Fundación CIMA" and she also works with several charitable organizations (Fundación Ciudad de la Alegría, ACNAR, CODESPA, etc.).


Last updated: March 2022

Ms. María Isabel Gabarró Miquel


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Born in Barcelona in 1954.

She is a notary and has been a member of the Notary Association of Barcelona since 1986. She is a member of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País).

She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona in 1976. In 1979 she became a notary and passed the restricted-access civil service exams.

She was a Board Member at the former ”la Caixa” for 20 years and was also part of its Executive Committee.

She has worked as a director for many important firms in the financial, energy, telecommunications and real-estate sectors, where she has also worked on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Auditing and Control Committee.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Eugeni Gay Montalvo (designated by Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona)


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Eugeni Gay, born in Barcelona in 1946, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa”, since June 2014, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2017.

Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1970) and graduated in Comparative Law at the Faculty of Comparative Law of Strasbourg (1971 – 1973).

In 1971, he founded Gay-Vendrell, Abogados, with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. He is currently non-executive Chairman of the "Gay-Rosell & Solano" signature.

He has been Dean of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association (1989 – 1997), Chair of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (1993 – 2001), a founding member and First Chairman of the European Bars Federation (FBE) (1992 – 1993) and Chairman of its Commission on Human Rights (1993 – 2001).

He was Member by Right of the State (1993-2001), Magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2001-2012) and Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Court (2011-2012).

He is currently director of the Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, Full Member of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, holding the same academic post at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Madrid.

Eugeni Gay Montalvo was also a founder of the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and Director (1983 – 2001), President of the Professional Union (1993 – 2001), Residing Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona (1997 – 2001), Arbitrator of the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris (ICC), Chairman of the Catalan Arbitration Association presiding over the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB) (1989 – 1997), Chairman of the Jurado de Autocontrol de la Publicidad (2012 – 2015), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Arbitrator of the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB).


Last updated: May 2020

Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola


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His Excellency Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola, Count of Godó, born in Barcelona on 13 December, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

Second Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since June 2014 and Trustee of the Banking Foundation ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Currently Chairman of the Godó Multimedia Group Godó de Comunicación, S.A., Editor of La Vanguardia, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Mundo Deportivo, Chairman of Catalunya Comunicació and Vice-Chairman of the Holding Inmobiliaria Torre Bcn 477, SL.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Chapter, Club of Rome

He is also Vice-Chairman of the Conde de Barcelona Foundation and of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), board member of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), and member of the Board of Trustees of the Ramon Llull University.

He was General Counsel of the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (2003-2014), member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, having been appointed Third Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” in June 2009 and Second Vice-Chairman in May 2012. He is Trustee of the Banking Foundation, having been Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” Foundation (2013-2014). He was also a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank (2011 to 2014).


Last updated: July 2018

Mr. Francesc Homs Ferret


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Francesc Homs, born in Barcelona in 1951, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since June 2014, member on the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of InmoCriteria Caixa. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the City Council of Barcelona and a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, from May 2012 to June 2014, and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He has also been a board member of VidaCaixa since July 2013.

He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

He began his professional career as an economist, lecturing as a professor of Industrial Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1980 – 1987). He was a Deputy of the Cortes Generales, economic spokesman for the Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU) (1986-1999) and Chairman of the Industry and Energy Committee of the Congress of Deputies. He was elected Alderman for the City Council of Barcelona (1995-1999) and from between 2001 and 2003 he was Councillor for the Economy and Finance for the Government of Catalonia. He was a Deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia and member of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Congress of Deputies in the Council of Europe from 1989 to 1993.

In the private professional arena, he has been Executive Chairman of Áreas (1999 – 2001), Chairman of Abertis Logística (2007 – 2011), Chairman of the renewable energy company FERSA (2012-2015), Chairman of the Catalan Council of the European Movement (1992 – 1996) and member of the Management Board of Círculo de Economía. He lectured as a Professor on the Spanish Economy at the International University of Catalonia (UiC) for 8 years.

He is currently Executive Chairman of the consulting company INEO CORPORATE. He is an advisor for several companies, including La Farga Group, a metallurgical company, and Planeta Formación y Universidades (PFU).

At the non-profit level, he is Chairman of the University Advisory Board of the UiC, of the Spanish Committee of the ELEC (European League of Economic Cooperation) and of the Change2Grow association.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Pablo Isla Álvarez de Tejera


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Born in Madrid in 1964.

He is a graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1987). The following year (1988) became Spanish State Attorney, ranking #1 of his promotion.

From 1992 to 1996 he was General Manager of Banco Popular Legal Services. In 1996 he was appointed General Director of State Assets at the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

He returned to Banco Popular as General Counsel until July 2000 when he assumed the Executive Chairman of Franco-Spanish Altadis Group, position he held until May 2005.

Then he joined Inditex as Vice President and CHIEF Executive Officer. From 2011 to March 2022 he was Executive Chairman of Inditex.

Pablo Isla also serves as Director in Nestlé's Board.

Harvard Business Review has named him in 2017 and 2018 as the best top executive in the world and Forbes magazine, in 2020, as the best executive of the decade.

He is a member in his personal capacity of the Real Patronato del Museo del Prado and throughout his career he has been a member of the CEO Advisory Board of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, of the Academic Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Patron in different Foundations and Institutions, such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía or the Pro-CNIC Foundation, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Marc Murtra Millar


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Born in Blackburn, Lancashire, in the United Kingdom, in 1972.

He is an industrial engineer, specialized in Machine Mechanics, from the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona (ETSEIB), of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), majored in Finance, from the Leonard School of Business at New York University.

He is chairman of Indra, where he chairs the Board of Directors and the Strategy Committee and the Executive Committee. He is also director of Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A. and member of its Audit Commission.

He is also an independent director of Ebro Foods, S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Audit and Control Committee, which is responsible for the ESG area.

He is trustee of the Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa”, since 2021, February.

He began his career in the nuclear industry, at British Nuclear Fuels Ltd in the UK. He continued his professional career for the Management Consultancy DiamondCluster, where he worked for large technological companies.

He has held public responsibilities for several years, where he was a specialist in Digital Strategy, Digital Transformation and Public-Private Partnerships. In this role he served as General Manager of, as well as the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of the Government of Spain. He was General Manager of Education, Culture and Well-being at the Barcelona City Council.

In 2011 he returned to the private sector in the field of Investment Banking.

He has been chairman of Closa Investment Bankers, leader in its specialty since 1987. In his experience as a financial advisor he has led numerous corporate transactions in various sectors, such as, TMT (e-commerce, enterprise software, education, artificial intelligence, video marketing , analytics, fleet management, entertainment, cyber security, recruitment, SaaS, content production, television channels, advertising, etc.), Industrial (machinery, security equipment, textile, agri-food, etc.) and Public Private Partnership (BTR, Infrastructures, etc.) with international companies and investors from around the world.

He is an Adjunct Professor of Financial Management and Financial Economics and of Science in Finance and Banking Master at the Pompeu Fabra University, where he teaches Business Administration and Economics to undergraduate students and to Master’ students.

He is a regular contributor to various respected media outlets, including La Vanguardia.


Last updated: February 2024

Ms. Asunción Ortega Enciso


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Asunción Ortega Enciso was born in Ledesma of Soria in 1951. She has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since December 2016, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2019.

She has an Economics Degree from the University of Barcelona.

In the 1980s she taught at the Escuela de Mandos Intermedios (Middle Management Training School) and the “la Caixa” Training School.

She was Executive Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Caixabank Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. from 2006 until December 2016. During this period she was also a member of the Governing Council of Inverco (the Spanish Association of Collective Investment Schemes and Pension Funds) and the Board of Trustees of the Inverco Foundation.

She began her professional career in 1968 at Banco de Bilbao and from 1975 she worked part-time in the enterprise management control area together with other economists, at their own office.

In 1979 she began to work at Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, “la Caixa”, in the business and investment planning area, and since then she has held different management posts, having been Head of External Resources, Capital Market Manager and Manager of the Personal Banking department from its creation in 2001 until 2006.

In 2001 she joined the Spanish Institution of Financial Analysts and she is currently its Vice-Chairwoman, a member of the Governing Council and Vice-Chairwoman of the Financial Studies Foundation.


Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Artur Santos Silva


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Artur Santos was born in Oporto in 1941. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since May 2017.

He has a Law degree from the University of Coimbra (1963) and an honorary doctorate from the University of Oporto (2010) and from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2017).

He is Chairman of the General Board of University of Oporto since October 2017.

Founder of the BPI Group, he was the Executive Chairman of the SPI (1981-1984) and Executive Chairman of Banco BPI (1985-2004). From 2004 to 2017, he was Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, currently he is Honorary Chairman.

He is Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Foundations of Portugal "Conselho Consultivo das Fundações" since 2018, by appointment of the Government.

He is a Director of NORS, Chairman of the Compensation Committee of Sonae SGPS and Member of the Social Responsibility Committee of Jerónimo Martins.

He was also Director (2002-2012) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2012-2017) and non-executive Director of Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, SA (2004-2013).

He chaired Portugal's National Committee for Commemoration of the Centenary of the Republic (2008-2011), the General Council of the University of Coimbra (2009-2012) and the Council of Founders of the "Casa da Música" (2006-2012).

He was Deputy Governor of the Banco de Portugal (1977-1978), State Secretary of the Treasury (1975-1976) and Senior Manager of Banco Português do Atlântico (1968-1975).

In Portugal he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Military Order of St. James of the Sword "Ordem Militar de Sant'Iago da Espada" in 2017, the Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty "Ordem da Liberdade" in 2011, the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry "Ordem do Infante" in 2004 and the Order of Civil Merit "Ordem do Mérito Civil" in 1991. Also in 1991, he received the Gold Medal of Honour from Oporto City Council "Medalha de Honra: Grau Ouro".

In France he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour "Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur" in 2008 and received the National Order of Merit "Ordre Nationale du Mérit" in 1996.

In Spain he received the Order of Civil Merit "Orden del Mérito Civil" in 1998.


Last updated: June 2021

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


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Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.


Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

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Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.


Last update: April 2024

Ms. Asunción Ortega Enciso


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Asunción Ortega Enciso was born in Ledesma of Soria in 1951. She has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since December 2016, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2019.

She has an Economics Degree from the University of Barcelona.

In the 1980s she taught at the Escuela de Mandos Intermedios (Middle Management Training School) and the “la Caixa” Training School.

She was Executive Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Caixabank Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. from 2006 until December 2016. During this period she was also a member of the Governing Council of Inverco (the Spanish Association of Collective Investment Schemes and Pension Funds) and the Board of Trustees of the Inverco Foundation.

She began her professional career in 1968 at Banco de Bilbao and from 1975 she worked part-time in the enterprise management control area together with other economists, at their own office.

In 1979 she began to work at Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, “la Caixa”, in the business and investment planning area, and since then she has held different management posts, having been Head of External Resources, Capital Market Manager and Manager of the Personal Banking department from its creation in 2001 until 2006.

In 2001 she joined the Spanish Institution of Financial Analysts and she is currently its Vice-Chairwoman, a member of the Governing Council and Vice-Chairwoman of the Financial Studies Foundation.


Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Shlomo Ben Ami


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Shlomo Ben Ami was born in Tangiers in 1943. He has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since January 2017.

He studied at Tel Aviv University, going on to complete his Doctorate in History at Oxford University.

He is currently Executive Vice-Chairman of the Toledo International Centre for Peace, of which he is a co-founder.

He was head of the post-grad School of History at Tel Aviv University from 1982 to 1986.

He was appointed Israel’s ambassador to Spain, serving from 1987 to 1991. He was elected to the Knesset in 1996. During Ehud Barak’s Labour government (1999-2001), he first held office as Minister of Internal Security and then as the country’s Foreign Minister. In this capacity, he was involved in the Camp David Accords, in which he was Israel’s chief negotiator, and he chaired the negotiating team in Taba, when a final attempt was made to secure peace. He continued to be a member of the Knesset, where he sat on the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, as well as on the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

Since 2005, Ben Ami collaborates as a columnist on the Project-Syndicate in international affairs.

In 2012, Ben Ami became special advisor to the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, for the peace negotiations with the FARC guerrilla group, which have now concluded. President Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this achievement.

Since 2016, Professor Ben Ami has held the George McGovern Professorship of International and Public Affairs at the University of Columbia, New York.

Ben Ami is a member of the board of senior advisors of the International Crisis Group.

Currently, he collaborates as a visiting professor at the International Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA.

He has published numerous books in English, Spanish, French and Hebrew: A Front Without a Rearguard: A Voyage to the Boundaries of the Peace Process (2004); Los orígenes de la Segunda República: anatomía de una transición [Anatomy of a Transition] (1990); Italy between Liberalism and Fascism (1986); Spain between Dictatorship and Democracy (1980); Fascism from above: the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, 1923-1930 (1983); The Origins of the Second Republic in Spain (1978); Quel avenir pour Israël? [Which Future for Israel?] (2001); Israel, entre la guerra y la paz [Israel, between war and peace] (1999), and Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, The Israeli-Arab Tragedy (2006).


Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Luis Carreras del Rincón


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Luis Carreras was born in Granada in 1961. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since July 2018.

He has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1984).

He is a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Barcelona since 1984 and practices as a Lawyer in the law firm "Bufete Carreras Llansana", founded by his father Jorge Carreras Llansana.

He is an expert in Spanish Law in the Courts of Justice of England and Wales.

He is a professor of Civil Litigation in the Master's Degree in Advocacy of Esade Business & Law School, Law Faculty of the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona.

He is Provincial Vice-Chairman of the Cruz Roja in Barcelona and member of the Regional Committee of the Cruz Roja in Catalonia. Also, he is Chairman of the Cruz Roja County Committee in Sant Cugat del Vallés-Rubí-Valldoreix (Barcelona).

He is a Family Counsellor and often gives sessions and conferences on education and family life issues in Spain and other countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Slovenia, Colombia, and Nicaragua). He has been a speaker at international congresses on the subject and has published articles related to education in specialised magazines.


Latest update: March 2022

Ms. María Isabel Gabarró Miquel


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Born in Barcelona in 1954.

She is a notary and has been a member of the Notary Association of Barcelona since 1986. She is a member of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País).

She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona in 1976. In 1979 she became a notary and passed the restricted-access civil service exams.

She was a Board Member at the former ”la Caixa” for 20 years and was also part of its Executive Committee.

She has worked as a director for many important firms in the financial, energy, telecommunications and real-estate sectors, where she has also worked on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Auditing and Control Committee.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


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Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.


Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

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Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.


Last update: April 2024

Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


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Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.


Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Juan José López Burniol


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Juan José López Burniol, born in Alcanar in 1945, Vice-Chairman of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since March 2017, of which he is Trustee since June 2014. First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since January 2024, having been director since June 2014. Also he is member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee of CriteriaCaixa since its constitution in 2014. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of ESADE, from April 2005 until June 2014, and was a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa” and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He was also a member on the Board of Directors of CaixaBank since June 2011 until June 2016.

He graduated with a Law Degree from the University of Navarra. His activities are focused in four areas: professional, as a notary public (now retired); institutional, as a member of various institutions; academic, as a professor of law; and journalism, as a regular contributor to various articles.

He had been a notary public from 1971 to 2015. He was Dean of the Association of Notaries of Catalonia (1987 – 1990) and Vice-Chairman of the General Council of Notaries (1987 – 1990).

He has also served as a Judge on the High Court of the Mitra de Andorra (1987 – 1993), and Magistrate and First President of the Constitutional Court of the Principality of Andorra (1993 – 2001). A member of the Legal Advisory Commission of the Government of Catalonia (1998 – 2005) and Chairman of the Social Council of the University of Barcelona (2004 – 2007).

Moreover, he has also lectured as a professor of Civil Law at the National University of Distance Education (1977 – 1982), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982 – 1990) and at the Pompeu Fabra University (1990 – 2000). He is currently Vice-Chairman and a board member of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., a board member of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and of Icària, Iniciatives Socials, SAL and Chairman of Fundació Noguera.

He has also been a regular contributor, at various stages, for the newspapers "La Vanguardia", "El Periódico", "El País" and "El Punt-Avui", "TV3", "8tv", "Cadena SER" and "Catalunya Ràdio". He was Chairman of “Tribuna Barcelona” (1995 – 2005).


Last updated: February 2024

Ms. Isabel Estapé Tous


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Isabel Estapé is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since May 2018 and member of its Executive Committee, since 2019.

She has a degree in Economics and Business Studies with Cum Laude honours, from the University of Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize).

She joined the Stock Exchange, acting as Agent in Barcelona (1982-1989).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Barcelona Stock Exchange (1989-1990). Also she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Stock Exchange (1990-1995).

Since year 2000, she works as a Notary in Madrid.

She was a member of the Board of Directors of Criteria Caixacorp, S.A since its IPO (October 2007) and of its Executive Committee since its formation (May 2009).

She was a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, S.A., until 2013, and Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission until December 2013.

Member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since December 2013, and Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Commission (December 2014 – December 2018), and she was Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission since its formation in December 2014 until May 2019.

Member of the Board of Directors of Naturgy and of its Audit and Control Committee and Sustainability Committee since March 2020.

Account Auditor. Member of the Spanish Directors' Association "Asociación Española de Directivos (AED)", the International Women’s Forum, of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives "Confederación Española de Directivos y Ejecutivos (CEDE)", of the Business Council Alliance for Latin America "Consejo Empresarial Alianza por Iberoamérica (CEAPI)" and of the Woman Corporate Directors.

In October 2006, she joined as Academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences "Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras".

She is Chairwoman of the Civic Panel "Panel Cívico de los Cien", Trustee of the "Fundación Rojas Estapé", Trustee of the "Fundación CIMA" and she also works with several charitable organizations (Fundación Ciudad de la Alegría, ACNAR, CODESPA, etc.).


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Eugeni Gay Montalvo


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Eugeni Gay, born in Barcelona in 1946, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa”, since June 2014, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2017.

Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1970) and graduated in Comparative Law at the Faculty of Comparative Law of Strasbourg (1971 – 1973).

In 1971, he founded Gay-Vendrell, Abogados, with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. He is currently non-executive Chairman of the "Gay-Rosell & Solano" signature.

He has been Dean of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association (1989 – 1997), Chair of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (1993 – 2001), a founding member and First Chairman of the European Bars Federation (FBE) (1992 – 1993) and Chairman of its Commission on Human Rights (1993 – 2001).

He was Member by Right of the State (1993-2001), Magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2001-2012) and Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Court (2011-2012).

He is currently director of the Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, Full Member of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, holding the same academic post at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Madrid.

Eugeni Gay Montalvo was also a founder of the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and Director (1983 – 2001), President of the Professional Union (1993 – 2001), Residing Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona (1997 – 2001), Arbitrator of the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris (ICC), Chairman of the Catalan Arbitration Association presiding over the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB) (1989 – 1997), Chairman of the Jurado de Autocontrol de la Publicidad (2012 – 2015), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Arbitrator of the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB).


Last updated: May 2020

Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola


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His Excellency Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola, Count of Godó, born in Barcelona on 13 December, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

Second Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since June 2014 and Trustee of the Banking Foundation ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Currently Chairman of the Godó Multimedia Group Godó de Comunicación, S.A., Editor of La Vanguardia, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Mundo Deportivo, Chairman of Catalunya Comunicació and Vice-Chairman of the Holding Inmobiliaria Torre Bcn 477, SL.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Chapter, Club of Rome

He is also Vice-Chairman of the Conde de Barcelona Foundation and of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), board member of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), and member of the Board of Trustees of the Ramon Llull University.

He was General Counsel of the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (2003-2014), member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, having been appointed Third Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” in June 2009 and Second Vice-Chairman in May 2012. He is Trustee of the Banking Foundation, having been Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” Foundation (2013-2014). He was also a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank (2011 to 2014).


Last updated: July 2018

Mr. Francesc Homs Ferret


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Francesc Homs, born in Barcelona in 1951, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since June 2014, member on the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of InmoCriteria Caixa. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the City Council of Barcelona and a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, from May 2012 to June 2014, and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He has also been a board member of VidaCaixa since July 2013.

He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

He began his professional career as an economist, lecturing as a professor of Industrial Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1980 – 1987). He was a Deputy of the Cortes Generales, economic spokesman for the Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU) (1986-1999) and Chairman of the Industry and Energy Committee of the Congress of Deputies. He was elected Alderman for the City Council of Barcelona (1995-1999) and from between 2001 and 2003 he was Councillor for the Economy and Finance for the Government of Catalonia. He was a Deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia and member of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Congress of Deputies in the Council of Europe from 1989 to 1993.

In the private professional arena, he has been Executive Chairman of Áreas (1999 – 2001), Chairman of Abertis Logística (2007 – 2011), Chairman of the renewable energy company FERSA (2012-2015), Chairman of the Catalan Council of the European Movement (1992 – 1996) and member of the Management Board of Círculo de Economía. He lectured as a Professor on the Spanish Economy at the International University of Catalonia (UiC) for 8 years.

He is currently Executive Chairman of the consulting company INEO CORPORATE. He is an advisor for several companies, including La Farga Group, a metallurgical company, and Planeta Formación y Universidades (PFU).

At the non-profit level, he is Chairman of the University Advisory Board of the UiC, of the Spanish Committee of the ELEC (European League of Economic Cooperation) and of the Change2Grow association.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Pablo Isla Álvarez de Tejera


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Born in Madrid in 1964.

He is a graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1987). The following year (1988) became Spanish State Attorney, ranking #1 of his promotion.

From 1992 to 1996 he was General Manager of Banco Popular Legal Services. In 1996 he was appointed General Director of State Assets at the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

He returned to Banco Popular as General Counsel until July 2000 when he assumed the Executive Chairman of Franco-Spanish Altadis Group, position he held until May 2005.

Then he joined Inditex as Vice President and CHIEF Executive Officer. From 2011 to March 2022 he was Executive Chairman of Inditex.

Pablo Isla also serves as Director in Nestlé's Board.

Harvard Business Review has named him in 2017 and 2018 as the best top executive in the world and Forbes magazine, in 2020, as the best executive of the decade.

He is a member in his personal capacity of the Real Patronato del Museo del Prado and throughout his career he has been a member of the CEO Advisory Board of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, of the Academic Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Patron in different Foundations and Institutions, such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía or the Pro-CNIC Foundation, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


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Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.


Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

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Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.


Last update: April 2024

Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


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Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.


Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Antonio Vila Bertrán

General manager

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Antonio Vila was born in Barcelona in 1949, he is General Manager of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation since December 2019.

Graduate in Economic Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

In 1975 he joined the Catalana Occidente Insurance Group in its life insurance business. In 1977 he began his professional career as a manager at Banca Jover, as Office Manager and Securities Department Manager. After its acquisition by Banco Santander in 1978 he held the position of Director of Head Office. In 1980 he joined Nido Industrial, S.A. in Holdings Management, both in Brazil and in Italy. He was Regional Director for Catalonia at Banco Internacional de Comercio (1981-1983) and at Banco Saudí Español-Saudesbank (1983-1985). In 1985 he began his career at ”la Caixa” as Territorial Manager of Grupo Caixa, a post he held until 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he held the position of Deputy Commercial Director and from 1989 to 1991, the position of General Deputy Director for Loan Capital, Capital Market and Insurance. In 1991 he went on to hold executive positions in the insurance group of ”la Caixa”, was appointed general Director and Board Member of VidaCaixa, and SegurCaixa, and also Board Member of Acesa and Adeslas. In 1998 he was appointed Executive Director of ”la Caixa”, member of the Management Committee and Territorial Director for Catalonia. In 2008 he was appointed Chairman of CaixaRenting. In 2012 he joined CaixaBank, and was involved in the merger processes of Banca Cívica and Banco de Valencia. In 2014 he was appointed Chairman of MicroBank, and in 2015 was also appointed Chairman of CaixaBank Consumer Finance (CCF) an institution that merged with CaixaRenting in the same year.


Latest update: January 2023

Mr. Juan Ramon Fuertes Blasco

Deputy general manager

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Ms. Esther Planas Herrera

Assistant general manager of Finance, Legal Advice and Infraestructure

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Mr. Marc Simón Martínez

Assistant general manager of Social Affairs

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Mr. Rafael Chueca Blasco

Assistant general manager of Culture and Regional Action

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Mr. Jesús Nemesio Arroyo González

Corporate director of Public Affairs

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Ms. Montserrat Buisán Gallardo

Corporate director of Social Programmes

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Mr. Sergi Loughney Castells

Director of Institutional Relations for the ”la Caixa” Foundation Group

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Ms. Eva Bermejo Martínez

Director of Finance, Taxation and Administration Control

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Ms. Montse Blanco Fernández

Director of Marketing

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Ms. Montse Cabré Pera

Director of Human Resources

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Ms. Marta Casals Virosque

Director of the Legal Advice Area

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Ms. Rosa Maria Cirera Clotet

Director of Resources and Organisation

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H.R.H. Infanta Cristina of Spain

Director of the International Area

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Ms. Emilia Jordi Tubella

Director of Education and Fellowships

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Mr. Ignasi López Verdeguer

Director of Relations with Research and Health Institutions

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Ms. Juana Prats Montmany

Director of Relations with Social Organisations

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Mr. Ventura Rebés Weindl

Director of Institutional Relations and Protocol for the Presidency and Governing Bodies

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Mr. Joan Rosàs Xicota

Director of the US Representative Office in Washington DC

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Ms. Isabel Salgado Gispert

Director of Exhibitions, Collection and CaixaForum+

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Ms. Núria Danés Jofre

Director of Social Inclusion

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Ms. Marta Vallejo Rodríguez

Director of Regional Management and Centres

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Mr. Ignasi Villalobos Motlló

Director of Organisation

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Ms. Natalia Vives-Jenny Descamps

Director of Institutional Relations and Protocol for General Management and the Management Committee

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Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


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Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.

Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Juan José López Burniol


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Juan José López Burniol, born in Alcanar in 1945, Vice-Chairman of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since March 2017, of which he is Trustee since June 2014. First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since January 2024, having been director since June 2014. Also he is member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee of CriteriaCaixa since its constitution in 2014. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of ESADE, from April 2005 until June 2014, and was a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa” and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He was also a member on the Board of Directors of CaixaBank since June 2011 until June 2016.

He graduated with a Law Degree from the University of Navarra. His activities are focused in four areas: professional, as a notary public (now retired); institutional, as a member of various institutions; academic, as a professor of law; and journalism, as a regular contributor to various articles.

He had been a notary public from 1971 to 2015. He was Dean of the Association of Notaries of Catalonia (1987 – 1990) and Vice-Chairman of the General Council of Notaries (1987 – 1990).

He has also served as a Judge on the High Court of the Mitra de Andorra (1987 – 1993), and Magistrate and First President of the Constitutional Court of the Principality of Andorra (1993 – 2001). A member of the Legal Advisory Commission of the Government of Catalonia (1998 – 2005) and Chairman of the Social Council of the University of Barcelona (2004 – 2007).

Moreover, he has also lectured as a professor of Civil Law at the National University of Distance Education (1977 – 1982), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982 – 1990) and at the Pompeu Fabra University (1990 – 2000). He is currently Vice-Chairman and a board member of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., a board member of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and of Icària, Iniciatives Socials, SAL and Chairman of Fundació Noguera.

He has also been a regular contributor, at various stages, for the newspapers "La Vanguardia", "El Periódico", "El País" and "El Punt-Avui", "TV3", "8tv", "Cadena SER" and "Catalunya Ràdio". He was Chairman of “Tribuna Barcelona” (1995 – 2005).

Last updated: February 2024

Mr. José María Álvarez-Pallete López


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Born in Madrid, in 1963.

Mr. Álvarez-Pallete is member of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation since February 2022. Moreover, since April 2016, he is Chairman & CEO of Telefónica S.A and he joined the board of directors in July 2006. In February 2022 he assumed the Presidency of Fundación Telefónica. Also, since March 2019 he is member of the Advisory Council of SEAT, S.A. and, since February 2022, Chairman of the Board of the GSMA.

In February 1999 he joined the Telefónica Group as Chief Financial Officer of Telefónica Internacional S.A.U., and the same year he became Chief Financial Officer of Telefónica S.A. In 2002, he was appointed Executive Chairman of Telefónica Internacional S.A., between 2006 and 2011, he was General Manager of Telefónica Latinoamérica. In 2011 he was named Executive Chairman of Telefónica Europe, and in 2012 he was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Telefónica S.A.

He began his professional career at Arthur Young Auditors in 1987, before joining Benito & Monjardín/Kidder, Peabody & Co. in 1988. In 1995 he joined CEMEX and he became Chief Administration and Finance Officer of the CEMEX Group Indonesia in 1998.
He has a degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and he also studied Economics at the Free University of Brussels, in Belgium. He holds an International Management Programme from IPADE. 

Among many other distinctions, in 2016, Mr. Álvarez-Pallete was named “Best CEO” in Spain by Forbes Magazine and the Supreme Council for Sports granted him the entry in the “Royal Order of Merit Sports” in the category of Bronze Medal. In 2019 he was granted with the “Cross of Military Merit with white distinction”, he received the “Manager of the Year” award in the Large Corporations category granted by the Asociación Española de Directivos, and was chosen “Business Leader of the Year” by the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce. In 2020 he was awarded with the ECOFIN prize for “Financiero del Año” and the Spanish Marketing Association named him “Líder Empresarial Impulso del Marketing”. In 2021, he was named “Honorary Ambassador of Spain Brand” by the Leading Brands of Spain Forum and Actualidad Económica has recognized him as "Best Businessman of the Year".

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Shlomo Ben Ami


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Shlomo Ben Ami was born in Tangiers in 1943. He has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since January 2017.

He studied at Tel Aviv University, going on to complete his Doctorate in History at Oxford University.

He is currently Executive Vice-Chairman of the Toledo International Centre for Peace, of which he is a co-founder.

He was head of the post-grad School of History at Tel Aviv University from 1982 to 1986.

He was appointed Israel’s ambassador to Spain, serving from 1987 to 1991. He was elected to the Knesset in 1996. During Ehud Barak’s Labour government (1999-2001), he first held office as Minister of Internal Security and then as the country’s Foreign Minister. In this capacity, he was involved in the Camp David Accords, in which he was Israel’s chief negotiator, and he chaired the negotiating team in Taba, when a final attempt was made to secure peace. He continued to be a member of the Knesset, where he sat on the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, as well as on the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

Since 2005, Ben Ami collaborates as a columnist on the Project-Syndicate in international affairs.

In 2012, Ben Ami became special advisor to the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, for the peace negotiations with the FARC guerrilla group, which have now concluded. President Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this achievement.

Since 2016, Professor Ben Ami has held the George McGovern Professorship of International and Public Affairs at the University of Columbia, New York.

Ben Ami is a member of the board of senior advisors of the International Crisis Group.

Currently, he collaborates as a visiting professor at the International Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA.

He has published numerous books in English, Spanish, French and Hebrew: A Front Without a Rearguard: A Voyage to the Boundaries of the Peace Process (2004); Los orígenes de la Segunda República: anatomía de una transición [Anatomy of a Transition] (1990); Italy between Liberalism and Fascism (1986); Spain between Dictatorship and Democracy (1980); Fascism from above: the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, 1923-1930 (1983); The Origins of the Second Republic in Spain (1978); Quel avenir pour Israël? [Which Future for Israel?] (2001); Israel, entre la guerra y la paz [Israel, between war and peace] (1999), and Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, The Israeli-Arab Tragedy (2006).

Last updated: March 2019.

Mr. Xavier Brossa Galofré (designated by Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d'Amics del País)


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Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Luis Carreras del Rincón (designated by Cruz Roja Española)


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Luis Carreras was born in Granada in 1961. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since July 2018.

He has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1984).

He is a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Barcelona since 1984 and practices as a Lawyer in the law firm "Bufete Carreras Llansana", founded by his father Jorge Carreras Llansana.

He is an expert in Spanish Law in the Courts of Justice of England and Wales.

He is a professor of Civil Litigation in the Master's Degree in Advocacy of Esade Business & Law School, Law Faculty of the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona.

He is Provincial Vice-Chairman of the Cruz Roja in Barcelona and member of the Regional Committee of the Cruz Roja in Catalonia. Also, he is Chairman of the Cruz Roja County Committee in Sant Cugat del Vallés-Rubí-Valldoreix (Barcelona).

He is a Family Counsellor and often gives sessions and conferences on education and family life issues in Spain and other countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Slovenia, Colombia, and Nicaragua). He has been a speaker at international congresses on the subject and has published articles related to education in specialised magazines.

Latest update: March 2022

Ms. Isabel Estapé Tous


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Isabel Estapé is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since May 2018 and member of its Executive Committee, since 2019.

She has a degree in Economics and Business Studies with Cum Laude honours, from the University of Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize).

She joined the Stock Exchange, acting as Agent in Barcelona (1982-1989).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Barcelona Stock Exchange (1989-1990). Also she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Stock Exchange (1990-1995).

Since year 2000, she works as a Notary in Madrid.

She was a member of the Board of Directors of Criteria Caixacorp, S.A since its IPO (October 2007) and of its Executive Committee since its formation (May 2009).

She was a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, S.A., until 2013, and Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission until December 2013.

Member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since December 2013, and Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Commission (December 2014 – December 2018), and she was Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission since its formation in December 2014 until May 2019.

Member of the Board of Directors of Naturgy and of its Audit and Control Committee and Sustainability Committee since March 2020.

Account Auditor. Member of the Spanish Directors' Association "Asociación Española de Directivos (AED)", the International Women’s Forum, of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives "Confederación Española de Directivos y Ejecutivos (CEDE)", of the Business Council Alliance for Latin America "Consejo Empresarial Alianza por Iberoamérica (CEAPI)" and of the Woman Corporate Directors.

In October 2006, she joined as Academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences "Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras".

She is Chairwoman of the Civic Panel "Panel Cívico de los Cien", Trustee of the "Fundación Rojas Estapé", Trustee of the "Fundación CIMA" and she also works with several charitable organizations (Fundación Ciudad de la Alegría, ACNAR, CODESPA, etc.).

Last updated: March 2022

Ms. María Isabel Gabarró Miquel


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Born in Barcelona in 1954.

She is a notary and has been a member of the Notary Association of Barcelona since 1986. She is a member of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País).

She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona in 1976. In 1979 she became a notary and passed the restricted-access civil service exams.

She was a Board Member at the former ”la Caixa” for 20 years and was also part of its Executive Committee.

She has worked as a director for many important firms in the financial, energy, telecommunications and real-estate sectors, where she has also worked on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Auditing and Control Committee.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Eugeni Gay Montalvo (designated by Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona)


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Eugeni Gay, born in Barcelona in 1946, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa”, since June 2014, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2017.

Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1970) and graduated in Comparative Law at the Faculty of Comparative Law of Strasbourg (1971 – 1973).

In 1971, he founded Gay-Vendrell, Abogados, with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. He is currently non-executive Chairman of the "Gay-Rosell & Solano" signature.

He has been Dean of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association (1989 – 1997), Chair of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (1993 – 2001), a founding member and First Chairman of the European Bars Federation (FBE) (1992 – 1993) and Chairman of its Commission on Human Rights (1993 – 2001).

He was Member by Right of the State (1993-2001), Magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2001-2012) and Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Court (2011-2012).

He is currently director of the Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, Full Member of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, holding the same academic post at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Madrid.

Eugeni Gay Montalvo was also a founder of the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and Director (1983 – 2001), President of the Professional Union (1993 – 2001), Residing Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona (1997 – 2001), Arbitrator of the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris (ICC), Chairman of the Catalan Arbitration Association presiding over the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB) (1989 – 1997), Chairman of the Jurado de Autocontrol de la Publicidad (2012 – 2015), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Arbitrator of the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB).

Last updated: May 2020

Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola


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His Excellency Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola, Count of Godó, born in Barcelona on 13 December, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

Second Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since June 2014 and Trustee of the Banking Foundation ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Currently Chairman of the Godó Multimedia Group Godó de Comunicación, S.A., Editor of La Vanguardia, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Mundo Deportivo, Chairman of Catalunya Comunicació and Vice-Chairman of the Holding Inmobiliaria Torre Bcn 477, SL.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Chapter, Club of Rome

He is also Vice-Chairman of the Conde de Barcelona Foundation and of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), board member of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), and member of the Board of Trustees of the Ramon Llull University.

He was General Counsel of the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (2003-2014), member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, having been appointed Third Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” in June 2009 and Second Vice-Chairman in May 2012. He is Trustee of the Banking Foundation, having been Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” Foundation (2013-2014). He was also a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank (2011 to 2014).

Last updated: July 2018

Mr. Francesc Homs Ferret


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Francesc Homs, born in Barcelona in 1951, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since June 2014, member on the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of InmoCriteria Caixa. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the City Council of Barcelona and a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, from May 2012 to June 2014, and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He has also been a board member of VidaCaixa since July 2013.

He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

He began his professional career as an economist, lecturing as a professor of Industrial Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1980 – 1987). He was a Deputy of the Cortes Generales, economic spokesman for the Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU) (1986-1999) and Chairman of the Industry and Energy Committee of the Congress of Deputies. He was elected Alderman for the City Council of Barcelona (1995-1999) and from between 2001 and 2003 he was Councillor for the Economy and Finance for the Government of Catalonia. He was a Deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia and member of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Congress of Deputies in the Council of Europe from 1989 to 1993.

In the private professional arena, he has been Executive Chairman of Áreas (1999 – 2001), Chairman of Abertis Logística (2007 – 2011), Chairman of the renewable energy company FERSA (2012-2015), Chairman of the Catalan Council of the European Movement (1992 – 1996) and member of the Management Board of Círculo de Economía. He lectured as a Professor on the Spanish Economy at the International University of Catalonia (UiC) for 8 years.

He is currently Executive Chairman of the consulting company INEO CORPORATE. He is an advisor for several companies, including La Farga Group, a metallurgical company, and Planeta Formación y Universidades (PFU).

At the non-profit level, he is Chairman of the University Advisory Board of the UiC, of the Spanish Committee of the ELEC (European League of Economic Cooperation) and of the Change2Grow association.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Pablo Isla Álvarez de Tejera


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Born in Madrid in 1964.

He is a graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1987). The following year (1988) became Spanish State Attorney, ranking #1 of his promotion.

From 1992 to 1996 he was General Manager of Banco Popular Legal Services. In 1996 he was appointed General Director of State Assets at the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

He returned to Banco Popular as General Counsel until July 2000 when he assumed the Executive Chairman of Franco-Spanish Altadis Group, position he held until May 2005.

Then he joined Inditex as Vice President and CHIEF Executive Officer. From 2011 to March 2022 he was Executive Chairman of Inditex.

Pablo Isla also serves as Director in Nestlé's Board.

Harvard Business Review has named him in 2017 and 2018 as the best top executive in the world and Forbes magazine, in 2020, as the best executive of the decade.

He is a member in his personal capacity of the Real Patronato del Museo del Prado and throughout his career he has been a member of the CEO Advisory Board of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, of the Academic Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Patron in different Foundations and Institutions, such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía or the Pro-CNIC Foundation, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Marc Murtra Millar


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Born in Blackburn, Lancashire, in the United Kingdom, in 1972.

He is an industrial engineer, specialized in Machine Mechanics, from the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona (ETSEIB), of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), majored in Finance, from the Leonard School of Business at New York University.

He is chairman of Indra, where he chairs the Board of Directors and the Strategy Committee and the Executive Committee. He is also director of Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A. and member of its Audit Commission.

He is also an independent director of Ebro Foods, S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Audit and Control Committee, which is responsible for the ESG area.

He is trustee of the Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa”, since 2021, February.

He began his career in the nuclear industry, at British Nuclear Fuels Ltd in the UK. He continued his professional career for the Management Consultancy DiamondCluster, where he worked for large technological companies.

He has held public responsibilities for several years, where he was a specialist in Digital Strategy, Digital Transformation and Public-Private Partnerships. In this role he served as General Manager of, as well as the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of the Government of Spain. He was General Manager of Education, Culture and Well-being at the Barcelona City Council.

In 2011 he returned to the private sector in the field of Investment Banking.

He has been chairman of Closa Investment Bankers, leader in its specialty since 1987. In his experience as a financial advisor he has led numerous corporate transactions in various sectors, such as, TMT (e-commerce, enterprise software, education, artificial intelligence, video marketing , analytics, fleet management, entertainment, cyber security, recruitment, SaaS, content production, television channels, advertising, etc.), Industrial (machinery, security equipment, textile, agri-food, etc.) and Public Private Partnership (BTR, Infrastructures, etc.) with international companies and investors from around the world.

He is an Adjunct Professor of Financial Management and Financial Economics and of Science in Finance and Banking Master at the Pompeu Fabra University, where he teaches Business Administration and Economics to undergraduate students and to Master’ students.

He is a regular contributor to various respected media outlets, including La Vanguardia.

Last updated: February 2024

Ms. Asunción Ortega Enciso


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Asunción Ortega Enciso was born in Ledesma of Soria in 1951. She has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since December 2016, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2019.

She has an Economics Degree from the University of Barcelona.

In the 1980s she taught at the Escuela de Mandos Intermedios (Middle Management Training School) and the “la Caixa” Training School.

She was Executive Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Caixabank Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. from 2006 until December 2016. During this period she was also a member of the Governing Council of Inverco (the Spanish Association of Collective Investment Schemes and Pension Funds) and the Board of Trustees of the Inverco Foundation.

She began her professional career in 1968 at Banco de Bilbao and from 1975 she worked part-time in the enterprise management control area together with other economists, at their own office.

In 1979 she began to work at Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, “la Caixa”, in the business and investment planning area, and since then she has held different management posts, having been Head of External Resources, Capital Market Manager and Manager of the Personal Banking department from its creation in 2001 until 2006.

In 2001 she joined the Spanish Institution of Financial Analysts and she is currently its Vice-Chairwoman, a member of the Governing Council and Vice-Chairwoman of the Financial Studies Foundation.

Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Artur Santos Silva


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />


Artur Santos was born in Oporto in 1941. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since May 2017.

He has a Law degree from the University of Coimbra (1963) and an honorary doctorate from the University of Oporto (2010) and from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2017).

He is Chairman of the General Board of University of Oporto since October 2017.

Founder of the BPI Group, he was the Executive Chairman of the SPI (1981-1984) and Executive Chairman of Banco BPI (1985-2004). From 2004 to 2017, he was Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, currently he is Honorary Chairman.

He is Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Foundations of Portugal "Conselho Consultivo das Fundações" since 2018, by appointment of the Government.

He is a Director of NORS, Chairman of the Compensation Committee of Sonae SGPS and Member of the Social Responsibility Committee of Jerónimo Martins.

He was also Director (2002-2012) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2012-2017) and non-executive Director of Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, SA (2004-2013).

He chaired Portugal's National Committee for Commemoration of the Centenary of the Republic (2008-2011), the General Council of the University of Coimbra (2009-2012) and the Council of Founders of the "Casa da Música" (2006-2012).

He was Deputy Governor of the Banco de Portugal (1977-1978), State Secretary of the Treasury (1975-1976) and Senior Manager of Banco Português do Atlântico (1968-1975).

In Portugal he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Military Order of St. James of the Sword "Ordem Militar de Sant'Iago da Espada" in 2017, the Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty "Ordem da Liberdade" in 2011, the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry "Ordem do Infante" in 2004 and the Order of Civil Merit "Ordem do Mérito Civil" in 1991. Also in 1991, he received the Gold Medal of Honour from Oporto City Council "Medalha de Honra: Grau Ouro".

In France he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour "Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur" in 2008 and received the National Order of Merit "Ordre Nationale du Mérit" in 1996.

In Spain he received the Order of Civil Merit "Orden del Mérito Civil" in 1998.

Last updated: June 2021

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.

Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.

Last update: April 2024

Ms. Asunción Ortega Enciso


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Asunción Ortega Enciso was born in Ledesma of Soria in 1951. She has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa” since December 2016, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2019.

She has an Economics Degree from the University of Barcelona.

In the 1980s she taught at the Escuela de Mandos Intermedios (Middle Management Training School) and the “la Caixa” Training School.

She was Executive Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Caixabank Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. from 2006 until December 2016. During this period she was also a member of the Governing Council of Inverco (the Spanish Association of Collective Investment Schemes and Pension Funds) and the Board of Trustees of the Inverco Foundation.

She began her professional career in 1968 at Banco de Bilbao and from 1975 she worked part-time in the enterprise management control area together with other economists, at their own office.

In 1979 she began to work at Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, “la Caixa”, in the business and investment planning area, and since then she has held different management posts, having been Head of External Resources, Capital Market Manager and Manager of the Personal Banking department from its creation in 2001 until 2006.

In 2001 she joined the Spanish Institution of Financial Analysts and she is currently its Vice-Chairwoman, a member of the Governing Council and Vice-Chairwoman of the Financial Studies Foundation.

Last updated: March 2019

Mr. Shlomo Ben Ami


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Shlomo Ben Ami was born in Tangiers in 1943. He has been a trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since January 2017.

He studied at Tel Aviv University, going on to complete his Doctorate in History at Oxford University.

He is currently Executive Vice-Chairman of the Toledo International Centre for Peace, of which he is a co-founder.

He was head of the post-grad School of History at Tel Aviv University from 1982 to 1986.

He was appointed Israel’s ambassador to Spain, serving from 1987 to 1991. He was elected to the Knesset in 1996. During Ehud Barak’s Labour government (1999-2001), he first held office as Minister of Internal Security and then as the country’s Foreign Minister. In this capacity, he was involved in the Camp David Accords, in which he was Israel’s chief negotiator, and he chaired the negotiating team in Taba, when a final attempt was made to secure peace. He continued to be a member of the Knesset, where he sat on the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, as well as on the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

Since 2005, Ben Ami collaborates as a columnist on the Project-Syndicate in international affairs.

In 2012, Ben Ami became special advisor to the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, for the peace negotiations with the FARC guerrilla group, which have now concluded. President Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this achievement.

Since 2016, Professor Ben Ami has held the George McGovern Professorship of International and Public Affairs at the University of Columbia, New York.

Ben Ami is a member of the board of senior advisors of the International Crisis Group.

Currently, he collaborates as a visiting professor at the International Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA.

He has published numerous books in English, Spanish, French and Hebrew: A Front Without a Rearguard: A Voyage to the Boundaries of the Peace Process (2004); Los orígenes de la Segunda República: anatomía de una transición [Anatomy of a Transition] (1990); Italy between Liberalism and Fascism (1986); Spain between Dictatorship and Democracy (1980); Fascism from above: the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, 1923-1930 (1983); The Origins of the Second Republic in Spain (1978); Quel avenir pour Israël? [Which Future for Israel?] (2001); Israel, entre la guerra y la paz [Israel, between war and peace] (1999), and Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, The Israeli-Arab Tragedy (2006).

Last updated: March 2019.

Mr. Luis Carreras del Rincón


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Luis Carreras was born in Granada in 1961. He is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since July 2018.

He has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1984).

He is a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Barcelona since 1984 and practices as a Lawyer in the law firm "Bufete Carreras Llansana", founded by his father Jorge Carreras Llansana.

He is an expert in Spanish Law in the Courts of Justice of England and Wales.

He is a professor of Civil Litigation in the Master's Degree in Advocacy of Esade Business & Law School, Law Faculty of the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona.

He is Provincial Vice-Chairman of the Cruz Roja in Barcelona and member of the Regional Committee of the Cruz Roja in Catalonia. Also, he is Chairman of the Cruz Roja County Committee in Sant Cugat del Vallés-Rubí-Valldoreix (Barcelona).

He is a Family Counsellor and often gives sessions and conferences on education and family life issues in Spain and other countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Slovenia, Colombia, and Nicaragua). He has been a speaker at international congresses on the subject and has published articles related to education in specialised magazines.

Latest update: March 2022

Ms. María Isabel Gabarró Miquel


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Born in Barcelona in 1954.

She is a notary and has been a member of the Notary Association of Barcelona since 1986. She is a member of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País).

She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona in 1976. In 1979 she became a notary and passed the restricted-access civil service exams.

She was a Board Member at the former ”la Caixa” for 20 years and was also part of its Executive Committee.

She has worked as a director for many important firms in the financial, energy, telecommunications and real-estate sectors, where she has also worked on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Auditing and Control Committee.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.

Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.

Last update: April 2024

Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.

Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Juan José López Burniol


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Juan José López Burniol, born in Alcanar in 1945, Vice-Chairman of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since March 2017, of which he is Trustee since June 2014. First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since January 2024, having been director since June 2014. Also he is member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee of CriteriaCaixa since its constitution in 2014. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of ESADE, from April 2005 until June 2014, and was a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa” and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He was also a member on the Board of Directors of CaixaBank since June 2011 until June 2016.

He graduated with a Law Degree from the University of Navarra. His activities are focused in four areas: professional, as a notary public (now retired); institutional, as a member of various institutions; academic, as a professor of law; and journalism, as a regular contributor to various articles.

He had been a notary public from 1971 to 2015. He was Dean of the Association of Notaries of Catalonia (1987 – 1990) and Vice-Chairman of the General Council of Notaries (1987 – 1990).

He has also served as a Judge on the High Court of the Mitra de Andorra (1987 – 1993), and Magistrate and First President of the Constitutional Court of the Principality of Andorra (1993 – 2001). A member of the Legal Advisory Commission of the Government of Catalonia (1998 – 2005) and Chairman of the Social Council of the University of Barcelona (2004 – 2007).

Moreover, he has also lectured as a professor of Civil Law at the National University of Distance Education (1977 – 1982), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982 – 1990) and at the Pompeu Fabra University (1990 – 2000). He is currently Vice-Chairman and a board member of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., a board member of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and of Icària, Iniciatives Socials, SAL and Chairman of Fundació Noguera.

He has also been a regular contributor, at various stages, for the newspapers "La Vanguardia", "El Periódico", "El País" and "El Punt-Avui", "TV3", "8tv", "Cadena SER" and "Catalunya Ràdio". He was Chairman of “Tribuna Barcelona” (1995 – 2005).

Last updated: February 2024

Ms. Isabel Estapé Tous


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Isabel Estapé is Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since May 2018 and member of its Executive Committee, since 2019.

She has a degree in Economics and Business Studies with Cum Laude honours, from the University of Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize).

She joined the Stock Exchange, acting as Agent in Barcelona (1982-1989).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Barcelona Stock Exchange (1989-1990). Also she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Stock Exchange (1990-1995).

Since year 2000, she works as a Notary in Madrid.

She was a member of the Board of Directors of Criteria Caixacorp, S.A since its IPO (October 2007) and of its Executive Committee since its formation (May 2009).

She was a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, S.A., until 2013, and Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission until December 2013.

Member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since December 2013, and Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Commission (December 2014 – December 2018), and she was Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Commission since its formation in December 2014 until May 2019.

Member of the Board of Directors of Naturgy and of its Audit and Control Committee and Sustainability Committee since March 2020.

Account Auditor. Member of the Spanish Directors' Association "Asociación Española de Directivos (AED)", the International Women’s Forum, of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives "Confederación Española de Directivos y Ejecutivos (CEDE)", of the Business Council Alliance for Latin America "Consejo Empresarial Alianza por Iberoamérica (CEAPI)" and of the Woman Corporate Directors.

In October 2006, she joined as Academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences "Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras".

She is Chairwoman of the Civic Panel "Panel Cívico de los Cien", Trustee of the "Fundación Rojas Estapé", Trustee of the "Fundación CIMA" and she also works with several charitable organizations (Fundación Ciudad de la Alegría, ACNAR, CODESPA, etc.).

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Eugeni Gay Montalvo


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Eugeni Gay, born in Barcelona in 1946, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona “la Caixa”, since June 2014, and member of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2017.

Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (1970) and graduated in Comparative Law at the Faculty of Comparative Law of Strasbourg (1971 – 1973).

In 1971, he founded Gay-Vendrell, Abogados, with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. He is currently non-executive Chairman of the "Gay-Rosell & Solano" signature.

He has been Dean of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association (1989 – 1997), Chair of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (1993 – 2001), a founding member and First Chairman of the European Bars Federation (FBE) (1992 – 1993) and Chairman of its Commission on Human Rights (1993 – 2001).

He was Member by Right of the State (1993-2001), Magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2001-2012) and Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Court (2011-2012).

He is currently director of the Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, Full Member of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, holding the same academic post at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Madrid.

Eugeni Gay Montalvo was also a founder of the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and Director (1983 – 2001), President of the Professional Union (1993 – 2001), Residing Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona (1997 – 2001), Arbitrator of the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris (ICC), Chairman of the Catalan Arbitration Association presiding over the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB) (1989 – 1997), Chairman of the Jurado de Autocontrol de la Publicidad (2012 – 2015), Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Arbitrator of the Barcelona Arbitration Court (TAB).

Last updated: May 2020

Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola


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His Excellency Mr. Javier Godó Muntañola, Count of Godó, born in Barcelona on 13 December, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

Second Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since June 2014 and Trustee of the Banking Foundation ”la Caixa” since June 2014.

Currently Chairman of the Godó Multimedia Group Godó de Comunicación, S.A., Editor of La Vanguardia, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Mundo Deportivo, Chairman of Catalunya Comunicació and Vice-Chairman of the Holding Inmobiliaria Torre Bcn 477, SL.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Chapter, Club of Rome

He is also Vice-Chairman of the Conde de Barcelona Foundation and of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), board member of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), and member of the Board of Trustees of the Ramon Llull University.

He was General Counsel of the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (2003-2014), member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, having been appointed Third Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” in June 2009 and Second Vice-Chairman in May 2012. He is Trustee of the Banking Foundation, having been Vice-Chairman of ”la Caixa” Foundation (2013-2014). He was also a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank (2011 to 2014).

Last updated: July 2018

Mr. Francesc Homs Ferret


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Francesc Homs, born in Barcelona in 1951, Trustee of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona ”la Caixa”, since June 2014, member on the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since 2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of InmoCriteria Caixa. He was appointed General Counsel for the Assembly of ”la Caixa” on behalf of the City Council of Barcelona and a member of the Board of Directors of ”la Caixa”, from May 2012 to June 2014, and Trustee of the ”la Caixa” Foundation during the same period. He has also been a board member of VidaCaixa since July 2013.

He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

He began his professional career as an economist, lecturing as a professor of Industrial Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1980 – 1987). He was a Deputy of the Cortes Generales, economic spokesman for the Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU) (1986-1999) and Chairman of the Industry and Energy Committee of the Congress of Deputies. He was elected Alderman for the City Council of Barcelona (1995-1999) and from between 2001 and 2003 he was Councillor for the Economy and Finance for the Government of Catalonia. He was a Deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia and member of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Congress of Deputies in the Council of Europe from 1989 to 1993.

In the private professional arena, he has been Executive Chairman of Áreas (1999 – 2001), Chairman of Abertis Logística (2007 – 2011), Chairman of the renewable energy company FERSA (2012-2015), Chairman of the Catalan Council of the European Movement (1992 – 1996) and member of the Management Board of Círculo de Economía. He lectured as a Professor on the Spanish Economy at the International University of Catalonia (UiC) for 8 years.

He is currently Executive Chairman of the consulting company INEO CORPORATE. He is an advisor for several companies, including La Farga Group, a metallurgical company, and Planeta Formación y Universidades (PFU).

At the non-profit level, he is Chairman of the University Advisory Board of the UiC, of the Spanish Committee of the ELEC (European League of Economic Cooperation) and of the Change2Grow association.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Pablo Isla Álvarez de Tejera


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Born in Madrid in 1964.

He is a graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1987). The following year (1988) became Spanish State Attorney, ranking #1 of his promotion.

From 1992 to 1996 he was General Manager of Banco Popular Legal Services. In 1996 he was appointed General Director of State Assets at the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

He returned to Banco Popular as General Counsel until July 2000 when he assumed the Executive Chairman of Franco-Spanish Altadis Group, position he held until May 2005.

Then he joined Inditex as Vice President and CHIEF Executive Officer. From 2011 to March 2022 he was Executive Chairman of Inditex.

Pablo Isla also serves as Director in Nestlé's Board.

Harvard Business Review has named him in 2017 and 2018 as the best top executive in the world and Forbes magazine, in 2020, as the best executive of the decade.

He is a member in his personal capacity of the Real Patronato del Museo del Prado and throughout his career he has been a member of the CEO Advisory Board of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, of the Academic Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Patron in different Foundations and Institutions, such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía or the Pro-CNIC Foundation, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Last updated: March 2022

Mr. Josep Maria Coronas Guinart


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Secretary (non-member)

Josep Maria Coronas, born in Tarragona in 1959. Secretary (non-trustee) of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” since October 2017.

He holds a Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981) and also a Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (1981). State Lawyer (1989). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (2004).

Lawyer and Economist, collegiate of the Illustrious Barcelona Bar Association and of the Economists of Catalonia one (since 1982). State Lawyer-Secretary of the Catalan Regional Administrative Court for Tax and Economic Appels (until 1996). Managing Director of the Legal Advice of the Economy and Finance Department, appointed by the Government of Catalonia la Generalitat in 1996 (until 2004).

Josep Maria Coronas is General Secretary of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. since 2010.

He has been Secretary of the Fútbol Club Barcelona (2000-2003) and Chairman of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation (2009-2015). Currently, he is trustee of the Conservatori del Liceu Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Foundation. Secretary of the Gran Teatre del Liceu Company (1998), of the Miró Foundation and of the Mas Miró Foundation.

Last update: March 2019

Mr. Adolfo Feijóo Rey

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees (non-member)

Adolfo Feijóo Rey, born in Barcelona in 1971, is deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation and of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa since February 2024. He is Director of the Legal Department of CriteriaCaixa since January 2018; Secretary of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capital Risc, S.G.E.I.C., S.A. since March 2024; member of the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. since October 2019 and Secretary of the same Board since February 2024.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and, additionally, a degree in Law with honours from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He also holds an LLM cum laude in Banking and Finance Law from Boston University School of Law, a PIL from Harvard University and a PDG from IESE.

Previously, he held the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa, from March 2021 to February 2024, where he had already been Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has also been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, Second Deputy Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank, General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of MicroBank, the socially focused bank of ”la Caixa”, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and VidaCaixa, Director of Inversiones Autopistas, General Secretary and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Criteria CaixaCorp, Secretary to the Board of Directors of CaixaCapital Semilla, CaixaCapital Pyme Innovación, and CaixaCapital Desarrollo (all three simplified regime ECRs), and legal advisor to the Board of Directors of Edicions 62 and Hotel Caribe Resort.

He has previously worked at Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas law firms.

Last update: April 2024

Mr. Isidro Fainé Casas


<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Born in Manresa, 1942.

He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” and of its Executive Committee, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of CriteriaCaixa and of its Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inmo Criteria Caixa, S.A.U., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "la Caixa" Research Institute Foundation, Honorary Chairman of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A. and Special Advisor to the Board of The Bank of East Asia.

He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, an ISMP in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Diploma in Senior Management from IESE. He is a full academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and an emeritus academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

He began his professional career in banking as Director of Investments at Banco Atlántico in 1964 and later, in 1969, he joined Banco de Asunción in Paraguay as General Manager. He then returned to Barcelona to hold various positions of responsibility in several financial institutions: Personnel Director of Banca Riva y García (1973), Director and General Manager of Banca Jover (1974) and General Manager of Banco Unión (1978). In 1982 he joined "la Caixa" as Assistant General Manager, holding various senior positions. In April 1991 he was appointed Executive Deputy General Manager and, in 1999, General Manager of the institution, becoming Chairman in June 2007 until June 2014. He was Chairman of CaixaBank, S.A. from 2011 until his retirement as a member of the Board of Directors in 2016. He was also a Director of Suez, S.A. from October 2014 to October 2020.

He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA), the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), as well as Vice-Chairman of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Chairman of the Social and Philanthropic Council of the WSBI-ESBG.

He is also Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is Vice-Chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) and founder of the Financial Circle. He is a member of various boards of trustees of private and public entities of renowned prestige. He has also received numerous official honours and professional awards, both nationally and internationally.

Last updated: January 2024

Mr. Antonio Vila Bertrán

General manager

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Antonio Vila was born in Barcelona in 1949, he is General Manager of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation since December 2019.

Graduate in Economic Sciences from the University of Barcelona.

In 1975 he joined the Catalana Occidente Insurance Group in its life insurance business. In 1977 he began his professional career as a manager at Banca Jover, as Office Manager and Securities Department Manager. After its acquisition by Banco Santander in 1978 he held the position of Director of Head Office. In 1980 he joined Nido Industrial, S.A. in Holdings Management, both in Brazil and in Italy. He was Regional Director for Catalonia at Banco Internacional de Comercio (1981-1983) and at Banco Saudí Español-Saudesbank (1983-1985). In 1985 he began his career at ”la Caixa” as Territorial Manager of Grupo Caixa, a post he held until 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he held the position of Deputy Commercial Director and from 1989 to 1991, the position of General Deputy Director for Loan Capital, Capital Market and Insurance. In 1991 he went on to hold executive positions in the insurance group of ”la Caixa”, was appointed general Director and Board Member of VidaCaixa, and SegurCaixa, and also Board Member of Acesa and Adeslas. In 1998 he was appointed Executive Director of ”la Caixa”, member of the Management Committee and Territorial Director for Catalonia. In 2008 he was appointed Chairman of CaixaRenting. In 2012 he joined CaixaBank, and was involved in the merger processes of Banca Cívica and Banco de Valencia. In 2014 he was appointed Chairman of MicroBank, and in 2015 was also appointed Chairman of CaixaBank Consumer Finance (CCF) an institution that merged with CaixaRenting in the same year.

Latest update: January 2023

Mr. Juan Ramon Fuertes Blasco

Deputy general manager

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Esther Planas Herrera

Assistant general manager

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Marc Simón Martínez

Assistant general manager

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Jesús Nemesio Arroyo González

Corporate director of Public Affairs

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Montserrat Buisán Gallardo

Corporate director of Social Programmes

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Rafael Chueca Blasco

Corporate director of Regional Action and Centres

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Ignasi Miró Borràs

Corporate director of Culture and Science

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Sergi Loughney Castells

Director of Institutional Relations for the ”la Caixa” Foundation Group

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Eva Bermejo Martínez

Director of Finance, Taxation and Administration Control

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Montse Blanco Fernández

Director of Marketing

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Montse Cabré Pera

Director of Human Resources

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Marta Casals Virosque

Director of the Legal Advice Area

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Rosa Maria Cirera Clotet

Director of Resources and Organisation

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

H.R.H. Infanta Cristina of Spain

Director of the International Area

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Emilia Jordi Tubella

Director of Education and Fellowships

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Ignasi López Verdeguer

Director of Relations with Research and Health Institutions

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Juana Prats Montmany

Director of Relations with Social Organisations

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Ventura Rebés Weindl

Director of Institutional Relations and Protocol for the Presidency and Governing Bodies

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Elianne Ros Woudstra

Director of Media Relations

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Joan Rosàs Xicota

Director of the US Representative Office in Washington DC

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Isabel Salgado Gispert

Director of Exhibitions and Collection

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Núria Danés Jofre

Director of Social Inclusion

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Marta Vallejo Rodríguez

Director of Regional Management and Centres

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Mr. Ignasi Villalobos Motlló

Director of Organisation

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Ms. Natalia Vives-Jenny Descamps

Director of Institutional Relations and Protocol for General Management and the Management Committee

<@liferay.language key='wos-mostrar-info' /> <@liferay.language key='wos-ocultar-info' />

Curriculum vitae not available.

Barcelona, July 2024