When will the next call for fellowship applications open?
The start of the call for applications may vary from one year to another. On the application website you can request to receive a notification when the next call for applications opens, by clicking on the "Receive a notification" button.
Can I submit applications to more than one programme of ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships?
No. You can only apply for a fellowship for one of the programmes included in the current call for applications.
I already submitted an application last year. Could I recover the information that I entered then?
I have already submitted applications in previous calls and I did not get the fellowship. Do I have less chances if I submit an application again?
No. The fact that you have already submitted applications in previous calls is not a factor that is taken into account when evaluating applications.
Can I apply for a fellowship to carry out my end-of-course project?
No. Fellowships can only be enjoyed after accrediting that a higher education degree has been obtained, making it possible to pursue postgraduate studies.
Can I apply for a fellowship to study in a country that it is not included in any of your calls for application?
No. Regarding the countries of destination in the fellowship programme, please take a look at the programme entry requirement 1.7.
Does ”la Caixa” Foundation offer fellowships to fund stays abroad during their bachelor’s degree programme, such as Erasmus fellowships?
No, it doesn’t. The ”la Caixa” Foundation has a specific Bachelor Fellowships’ programme. You can read the terms and conditions in the corresponding section.
Are there calls for applications for fellowships to study languages abroad?
Is there any call for fellowship applications for postdoctoral studies?
The ”la Caixa” Foundation has a specific Postdoctoral Fellowships’ programme (Postdoctorate Junior Leader). You can read the terms and conditions in the corresponding section.
The master’s degree programme for which I am applying for the fellowship includes a paid internship period. Should I get the fellowship, will it be compatible with the income from this internship?
The amount received for the paid internship may be deducted from the fellowship amount.
Is the ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships compatible with other grants or aid?
The ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships are incompatible with any other paid work, grant, or financial aid from any other organisation, unless expressly authorised by ”la Caixa” Foundation.
Can I get a fellowship to pursue studies with a duration of less than one academic year?
No. The minimum duration of studies for which funding is received is one academic year. Predoctoral research stays cannot last less than 9 months.
The master’s degree programme that I am interested in offers some credits that can be taken up online. Can I receive the fellowship for this master’s degree programme?
The total ECTS credits passed to complete the master’s degree programme must be classroom-based.
The electronic application form only allows one possibility in “Studies to be pursued” although I am considering different options in this regard. Can I specify these other options in some other section?
Yes. In fact, it is highly advisable to have alternatives to your first choice, in case it turns out to be not feasible. You can mention these additional options in your statement of purpose.
Can I apply for the fellowship to pursue a double degree programme?
You can only pursue a double degree programme if it is not made up of two master’s degrees that could be pursued separately.
When applying for the fellowship, should I choose both the host university and the studies that I want to pursue myself, or is there a database wherein the participating universities and the available programmes appear?
No such database exists. You should choose the postgraduate studies and the higher education institution where you want to pursue them yourself. Please take a look at the programme entry requirement 1.7.
I already have a master’s degree. Can I apply for the fellowship for a second master’s degree?
Yes, provided that your bachelor studies have been pursued in Spain (Spanish candidates) or Portugal (Portuguese candidates).
I do not have Spanish or Portuguese nationality. Is there any chance that my application will be accepted?
No. It is necessary to accredit Spanish or Portuguese nationality.
I do not have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I do have a residence permit in Spain/Portugal. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No. It is necessary to accredit Spanish or Portuguese nationality.
I have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I currently reside abroad. Can I apply for the fellowship?
I am Portuguese and I want to pursue a PhD programme in Spain. Can I apply for this fellowship?
No. Portuguese students who want to pursue doctoral studies in Spain, as well as Spanish students who want to pursue doctoral studies in Portugal, must apply to the ”la Caixa” Foundation doctoral INPhINIT fellowships programme.
May I apply for a fellowship to pursue a master’s degree in the United Kingdom, in a different university from the one that issued my bachelor’s degree in this country?
No. You cannot apply for this fellowship if you pursued your bachelor studies outside Spain (Spanish candidates) or outside Portugal (Portuguese candidates).
May I pursue a master that takes place in different countries, one of which is the country of my nationality?
You may only pursue this master if you can change the itinerary and avoid this country.
I have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I am taking up / I took up a bachelor degree abroad. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No, you can’t.
I have already started my master’s/doctoral programme. Can I apply for this fellowship to continue it?
No. Applications for master’s/doctoral studies that started before the start of the fellowship will not be accepted.
Should I be already accepted to the institution where I want to pursue my studies to take part in the selection process?
No. Admission to the programme is not required at the time of submitting the fellowship application.
Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship without duly accrediting the language proficiency level called for in the programme entry requirements?
The language proficiency level should be accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements.
You can only be exempt from submitting a language certificate if you pursued postgraduate studies (minimum of 2 academic courses) in the same language as the chosen studies applied for, as long as the language of instruction for these postgraduate studies was the official language in the country where they were pursued.
Can my language proficiency level be accredited by a certificate other than those specified in the entry requirements?
No. The language proficiency level should be necessarily accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements, except for the exemption in section 3.3.3.
I am one point below the minimum language proficiency level specified in the entry requirements. Can I apply for the fellowship?
No. Except for the exemption in section 3.3.3., the language proficiency level should be necessarily accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements, and these certificates should have the minimum level required.
Is it necessary to be a CaixaBank or BPI customer to apply for a fellowship?
Can I send all or part of the documentation by e-mail?
No. The documentation can only be attached to the application using the online application platform.
Can I submit paper copies of letters of recommendation?
No. Request and receipt of letters of recommendation can only be done using the online application system for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships.
How does the online letter of recommendation system work?
First you must fill in the required fields in the "Studies to be pursued" section to unblock the sending of the letters. Then, in the "Reference letters" section you must fill in the required fields to be able to send each request for a letter of recommendation. Once you have done this, the system will automatically send an e-mail to the people you have indicated. In this e-mail we will provide them with an internet address where they can fill in and send the letter using an online form.
I have already provided my referees’ information on the online application platform. How long will ”la Caixa” Foundation take to contact them?
Contact is immediate. ”la Caixa” Foundation automatically sends them the e-mail as soon as you have provided the requested information.
My referees do not speak English. Can they write the reference letter in Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese?
No. Some evaluators participating in the selection processes may not understand Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese. The reference letters must be written in English.
What is the Diploma Supplement?
The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document issued by the university where you pursued your studies, which grants EU-wide recognition to your academic curriculum. It consists of an annex to the academic qualification, detailing the subjects covered, languages used, credits obtained, competencies acquired, academic results, and professional qualifications of the graduate from the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree programme, with their name(s) and surname(s), among other reliable accreditations all over Europe.
Can I attach, as accreditation of my academic record, the list of grades which I have access to from my university’s intranet?
Yes, provided that, as stated in the programme entry requirements, all subjects and grades, year by year, as well as the total credits of the qualification and the credits awarded, are specified. In addition, your name, the name of the university, and the name of the qualification should clearly appear.
With regard to my academic record, what documentation should I attach?
In the "Education" section of the application, you must attach your transcript of academic record for your bachelor’s degree up until the present. You can also include the transcript of academic record for other studies that you have pursued.
With regard to my academic record, what documentation should I attach if I have not yet completed my studies?
Attach the transcript of academic record up until the present.
There are aspects of my academic or professional curriculum that I cannot accredit with any document. Can I include them in the application all the same?
No. You can only include what you can accredit with original documents in your application. Should you get the fellowship and be unable to accredit any of the achievements mentioned in your application, the fellowship will be withdrawn.
I have already been accepted to my host university. Even so, should I submit all documentation specified in the entry requirements?
Yes. The requirements to apply for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship have nothing to do with the universities’ admission requirements for students.
I have already been accepted to my host university. They have accepted me with a language proficiency level lower than that called for in the ”la Caixa” Foundation programme entry requirements. Even so, should I accredit the level stated in the entry requirements?
Yes. The requirements to apply for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship have nothing to do with the universities’ admission requirements for students.
Can I attach, as accreditation of my language proficiency level, a screenshot of the webpage showing my qualifications or should I present the official certificate?
You can attach a “screenshot” showing your qualifications, provided that your name can be clearly seen. Should you get the fellowship, you must submit the original document to us.
I have a language certificate that accredits a level equal to or greater than that specified in the programme entry requirements, but it has already expired. Do I have to accredit my level with a valid certificate?
Not necessarily. We will accept your language accreditation despite the fact that it has already expired, but you should bear in mind that the host universities will require a valid certificate for your admission to them.
I have in-depth knowledge of the language for which you require accreditation, as I have lived in that country for many years / I have already studied in that country or in that language / I have studied Philology or Translation studies in that language / it is my native language/ etc. Even so, should I likewise submit any of the accreditations that appear in the entry requirements?
Only if you pursued postgraduate studies (minimum of 2 academic courses) in the same language as the chosen studies applied for, you will be exempt from submitting a language certificate, as long as the language of instruction for these postgraduate studies was the official language in the country where they were pursued.
Is it possible for me to submit my language certificate after the deadline specified in the programme entry requirements?
No. An additional deadline has already been considered for all programmes, beyond the deadline for applications, to submit this accreditation.
In the case I didn’t have a document, certificate or letter of recommendation by the deadline of applications , would it be possible for me to send it a few days later?
No. Each and every one of the requirements and deadlines must be duly complied with. Any incomplete application on the deadline for applications will be disregarded.
I did not get the fellowship. Can I appeal or redress this decision?
No, the committees’ decision is final and unappealable. The submission of an application for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship implies the applicant's express acceptance of both the programme entry requirements and the decisions made during the shortlisting and selection processes for applications.
Is it possible for me to find out the reasons why my application did not pass the shortlisting or selection interview?
No. ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, which means that the individuals evaluating the applications make their decisions by choosing those who, in their opinion, are the best among those applying. Every year, ”la Caixa” Foundation receives a very large number of applications for all the fellowship programmes for postgraduate studies. For this reason, the fact that an application has not passed either the shortlisting or selection interview does not necessarily mean that it has weak points or mistakes, but instead, there were other applications that received more favourable consideration than those that were finally rejected based on the criterion of the panels of professors evaluating them.
Is it possible for me to learn who evaluated my application?
No. According to standard practice in the selection processes using the peer review system, applicants are not informed of the identity of the individuals who will evaluate their application or of the composition of the selection boards who will interview the applicants. Nevertheless, once the selection processes have ended, a list of all the professors and researchers who took part in them will be made public.
What criteria are followed to reject applicants during the interviews?
The applicants who pass the shortlisting process will be called in for a face-to-face screening interview.
The face-to-face interview seeks to:
Delve into the information provided in the application, particularly with regard to the applicant’s academic and personal project.
Ask about matters that were not included in the application and which the committee considers particularly relevant to evaluate the suitability of the applicant in pursuing the studies proposed.
Evaluate the applicant’s academic and professional potential.
Evaluate their all-round training, interests, concerns, and curiosity for the social, scientific, economic, cultural, or artistic context, although this is not directly related to their studies.
Evaluate, if the committee deems it necessary, their foreign language proficiency level.
Evaluate their personal and academic maturity, their motivation to complete the proposed studies and project, and their capacity to clearly express their ideas and firmly defend them.
During the interview, the members of the selection committee may ask for clarifications and pose the academic, personal, or professional questions that they deem appropriate with the aim of selecting—among all the individuals interviewed—those who, in their opinion, are deserving of the fellowship.
During the selection processes, is there any kind of quota system by academic discipline to distribute the awarded fellowships?
Yes. You will find this information in the Evaluation guide, available on our website.
My academic record is not excellent. Do I have any chance of getting the fellowship?
The strength of your academic record is just another aspect, among others to be evaluated to determine whether an application passes the preselection or final selection process or not.
During the selection processes, is there any kind of quota system in place for disadvantaged individuals?
No, the selection and preselection processes are exclusively governed by the criteria of academic excellence, and no quotas that take any other factors into account are in place.
How long is the interview?
Approximately twenty minutes.
If I pass the shortlisting process and I am called in for a selection interview, will there be questions in English, even though it is not the medium of instruction of the studies for which I am applying for the fellowship?
Yes. The interview will be conducted wholly or partly in English and in the medium of instruction of the studies to be pursued.
Can I submit audiovisual documentation during the interview?
No. The online form through which the application was made already provides for the possibility of attaching audiovisual files and links to online content; therefore, documentation of this type should only be submitted using the online form.
Can I submit any additional documentation during the interview?
No, under no circumstances.
I have just registered on the online application platform but the access codes are not working. How can I resolve this?
To activate the account as an applicant, it is necessary to click on the link that you receive in the registration e-mail. If your e-mail account disables the links (e.g. Hotmail accounts tend to do this), you should copy the link to your browser’s address bar. Your access codes will not be activated until you have completed this step.
I cannot register on the online application platform because I made a mistake when I provided my username (e-mail address). What should I do?
Send a scanned copy of your National Identity Card to [email protected] so that we can verify your information and make the necessary corrections.
I would like to include more information than what the online application platform allows in my curriculum. How can I do this?
The online application platform only allows a limited number of sections. You should select the aspects of your curriculum which you consider to best support your application. In the online form, you have a text field at the end where you can add additional information that you consider worthy of mention.
The online application platform does not allow me to attach digital documents to my application. What should I do?
The documents have a size limit, beyond which the system rejects them and prevents them from being attached to the application. The online form specifies the limits for each case. Most of the time, file sizes can be significantly reduced by creating a pdf document and optimising compression settings:
a resolution between 90 and 120 ppp,
black and white or greyscale printing.
I have attached a new file as a replacement of another one that I uploaded previously. I cannot seem to see the new file. Why?
Most likely, you don't see the updated file because of your computer’s cache. You can clear your browser’s cache or delete all temporary files to see the right document.
My referee says that they have already sent the letter, but it doesn't appear as received in my application. What could have happened?
It is possible that the letter has been finished but has not been submitted yet. It is necessary for the referee to submit it for the system to include it in your application.
I want to pursue an English master’s degree at a German/French/Italian/etc. university. Should I likewise have a certain German/French/Italian/etc. proficiency level and provide documentary evidence of this?
No. You should be able to accredit that the studies that you want to pursue are actually taught in English and that you have the language proficiency level specified in the programme entry requirements. However, in this case, knowledge of—no matter how basic—the local language of the host country is a point in the applicant’s favour when evaluating an application.
Part of the international master’s degree that I wish to pursue (Erasmus Mundus or others) is taught at a university in the United Kingdom / Ireland / United States / Canada / Australia / Hong Kong / India / Singapore. With which certificate should I accredit my knowledge of English?
You should accredit your knowledge of English with a valid certificate to apply to either of these countries.
My chosen studies are taught in a language other than English. Can I accredit my knowledge of the language with a high school diploma or a university degree or a diploma with this language as the medium of instruction?
It will only be accepted if the school or university also issues a certificate attesting that a minimum B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was reached.
In my application, I stated the studies that I would like to take up as my first choice, but in case I get the fellowship, could I use it to pay for other studies?
Yes, and you may even change the country, as long as the alternative studies are closely related to the project proposed in the application, you state the academic reasons for the change and you continue to meet all the requirements of the rules of participation. In fact, it is highly recommended that you apply for multiple admissions to maximize your chances of obtaining an admission and thus consolidating your fellowship, with special attention to the starting date of the fellowship depending on the country of destination.
I want to pursue a master’s degree in an EHEA country / in North America. It starts in January. Can I apply for a fellowship?
Fellowship holders who want to pursue studies in an EHEA country or in North America must begin the study programme in the host country in the Fall Term (academic year 2025-2026, in the first case, and academic year 2026-2027, in the second one), unless the programme for which the fellowship was awarded is only offered during another period in the academic year. If the master you want to pursue only starts in January, the start of the fellowship will be delayed until then.
I want to carry out research in an EHEA country / in North America and I do not necessarily have to follow the traditional academic calendar, as my adviser allows me to start whenever I want. Should I get the fellowship, would it still begin in September or can I start at the university earlier or later by some months?
On an exceptional basis, and only for predoctoral research stays in centres or universities in these countries, some flexibility may be allowed with regard to when you start at your host institution or university. For all other cases, the start of the fellowship must coincide with the dates stated in the entry requirements of the programme.
I have already been admitted to the American / Asian university where I want to pursue my studies, to start this year or this academic year. Is this possible?
The fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies in North America start in the Fall Term of the year following the call for applications.
The fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies in the Asia-Pacific region start between January and December of the year following the call for applications.
You should ask the university to put your admission on hold until your fellowship begins.
I have already begun my master’s degree programme. Can I apply for the fellowship for the second year of this master’s degree programme?
No. Applications to pursue a master’s degree that already started before the fellowship was awarded will not be accepted.
In my application, I stated the studies that I would like to take up as my first choice, but I am not sure whether they will accept me. Should I be awarded the fellowship, what happens if I am refused admission by the host university?
Should you get the fellowship, the normal procedure for fellowship holders is to send several applications for admission to different universities. Therefore, it is certainly possible to be refused admission to the studies originally specified as the first choice. In any case, all applications made to the different universities or to different programmes should be closely related to the study project written in the application.
If I am refused admission to the university I was planning on, could I change to a university in a different country?
You may only do this if you can accredit, with a certificate issued before the deadline for submission of the language certificate, the same language proficiency level that should be accredited by applicants who choose a university in that country straight away.
I completed my first licenciatura degree before 2016, but since then, I studied a bachelor’s degree that I finished last year. Do I fulfil the eligibility criteria with regard to the dates?
Yes, you do fulfil them and you would be eligible to apply, as you have completed some of the studies enumerated in Section 3.2 of the programme entry requirements in the indicated period of time.
I took up a licenciatura degree, which I completed before 2016, but in the 2021-2022 academic year, I did a master’s degree, which is what makes me eligible to pursue the doctoral studies that I want to take up / I am taking up. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No, in this case you would not be eligible because you cannot accredit bachelor’s or licenciatura studies, or any of the studies enumerated in Section 3.2 of the programme entry requirements, which have to be completed in the indicated period of time.
Should I get the fellowship and the studies that I intend to pursue last more than a year, could I rely on the fact that the fellowship will be automatically renewed up to a maximum of 24 months?
If the studies last more than one academic year, you should request an extension to obtain funding for the second year. Fellowship renewal is conditional on the results obtained during the first year and the submission of a letter of support from the university or centre where the studies are being taken up.
The fellowship covers up to five applications for admission. Should all of them be for universities in the same country, or can I apply for admission in the EHEA, North America and the Asia-Pacific region and then choose?
There is no problem with applying to any of the countries included in the call for applications. However, you must comply with the foreign language knowledge for the country of destination contained at the programme entry requirement 3.3. and you have to take into account the start date of your fellowship, according to the country of destination.
Some of the universities I want to apply to require me to pay for the application before I get to know whether I have been awarded the fellowship or not. If I get the fellowship, will it be possible for me to ask for a reimbursement of these fees?
You will be reimbursed for the cost of a maximum of 5 applications for admission, provided that they are from countries in your fellowship region (Europe or North America and Asia-Pacific) and have been made for study programmes in the academic year in which the fellowship will start.
When will the next call for fellowship applications open?
The start of the call for applications may vary from one year to another. If you wish to receive a notification when a new call for applications opens, you can do so by subscribing to the notification service.
Can I submit applications to more than one programme of ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships?
No. You can only apply for a fellowship for one of the programmes included in the current call for applications.
I already submitted an application last year. Could I recover the information that I entered then?
I have already submitted applications in previous calls and I did not get the fellowship. Do I have less chances if I submit an application again?
No. The fact that you have already submitted applications in previous calls is not a factor that is taken into account when evaluating applications.
Can I apply for a fellowship to carry out my end-of-course project?
No. Fellowships can only be enjoyed after accrediting that a higher education degree has been obtained, making it possible to pursue postgraduate studies.
Can I apply for a fellowship to study in a country that it is not included in any of your calls for application?
No. Regarding the countries of destination in the fellowship programme, please take a look at the programme entry requirement 1.7.
Does ”la Caixa” Foundation offer fellowships to fund stays abroad during their bachelor’s degree programme, such as Erasmus fellowships?
No, it doesn’t. The ”la Caixa” Foundation has a specific Bachelor Fellowships’ programme. You can read the terms and conditions in the corresponding section.
Are there calls for applications for fellowships to study languages abroad?
Is there any call for fellowship applications for postdoctoral studies?
The ”la Caixa” Foundation has a specific Postdoctoral Fellowships’ programme (Postdoctorate Junior Leader). You can read the terms and conditions in the corresponding section.
The master’s degree programme for which I am applying for the fellowship includes a paid internship period. Should I get the fellowship, will it be compatible with the income from this internship?
The amount received for the paid internship may be deducted from the fellowship amount.
Is the ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships compatible with other grants or aid?
The ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships are incompatible with any other paid work, grant, or financial aid from any other organisation, unless expressly authorised by ”la Caixa” Foundation.
Can I get a fellowship to pursue studies with a duration of less than one academic year?
No. The minimum duration of studies for which funding is received is one academic year.
The master’s degree programme that I am interested in offers some credits that can be taken up on-line. Can I receive the fellowship for this master’s degree programme?
The total ECTS credits passed to complete the master’s degree programme must be classroom-based.
The electronic application form only allows one possibility in “Studies to be pursued” although I am considering different options in this regard. Can I specify these other options in some other section?
Yes. In fact, it is highly advisable to have alternatives to your first choice, in case it turns out to be not feasible. You can mention these additional options in your statement of purpose.
Can I apply for the fellowship to pursue a double degree programme?
You can only pursue a double degree programme if it is not made up of two master’s degrees that could be pursued separately.
When applying for the fellowship, should I choose both the host university and the studies that I want to pursue myself, or is there a database wherein the participating universities and the available programmes appear?
No such database exists. You should choose the postgraduate studies and the higher education institution where you want to pursue them yourself. Please take a look at the programme entry requirement 1.7.
I already have a master’s degree. Can I apply for the fellowship for a second master’s degree?
Yes, provided that your bachelor studies have been pursued in Spain (Spanish candidates) or Portugal (Portuguese candidates).
Is my application number indicative of the number of individuals who are currently submitting an application in this call for fellowship applications?
I do not have Spanish or Portuguese nationality. Is there any chance that my application will be accepted?
No. It is necessary to accredit Spanish or Portuguese nationality.
I do not have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I do have a residence permit in Spain/Portugal. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No. It is necessary to accredit Spanish/Portuguese nationality.
I have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I currently reside abroad. Can I apply for the fellowship?
I am Portuguese and I want to pursue a PhD programme in Spain. Can I apply for this fellowship?
No. Portuguese students who want to pursue doctoral studies in Spain, as well as Spanish students who want to pursue doctoral studies in Portugal, must apply to the ”la Caixa” Foundation doctoral INPhINIT fellowships programme.
May I apply for a fellowship to pursue a master’s degree in the United Kingdom, in a different university from the one that issued my bachelor’s degree in this country?
No. You cannot apply for this fellowship if you pursued your bachelor studies outside Spain (Spanish candidates) or outside Portugal (Portuguese candidates).
May I pursue a master that takes place in different countries, one of which is the country of my nationality?
You may only pursue this master if you can change the itinerary and avoid this country.
I have Spanish/Portuguese nationality but I am taking up / I took up a bachelor degree abroad. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No, you can’t.
I have already started my master’s/doctoral programme. Can I apply for this fellowship to continue it?
No. Applications for master’s/doctoral studies that started before the start of the fellowship will not be accepted.
Should I be already accepted to the institution where I want to pursue my studies to take part in the selection process?
No. Admission to the programme is not required at the time of submitting the fellowship application.
Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship without duly accrediting the language proficiency level called for in the programme entry requirements?
The language proficiency level should be accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements.
You can only be exempt from submitting a language certificate if you pursued postgraduate studies (minimum of 2 academic courses) in the same language as the chosen studies applied for, as long as the language of instruction for these postgraduate studies was the official language in the country where they were pursued.
Can my language proficiency level be accredited by a certificate other than those specified in the entry requirements?
No. The language proficiency level should be necessarily accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements, except for the exemption in section 3.3.3.
I am one point below the minimum language proficiency level specified in the entry requirements. Can I apply for the fellowship?
No. Except for the exemption in section 3.3.3., the language proficiency level should be necessarily accredited by any of the certificates specified in the entry requirements, and these certificates should have the minimum level required.
Is it necessary to be a CaixaBank or BPI customer to apply for a fellowship?
Can I send all or part of the documentation by e-mail?
No. The documentation can only be attached to the application using the on-line application platform.
Can I submit paper copies of letters of recommendation?
No. Request and receipt of letters of recommendation can only be done using the on-line application system for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships.
How does the on-line letter of recommendation system work?
Letters of recommendation are requested by filling in the mandatory fields on the application form, particularly on the “Reference letters” section. Once it has been completed, ”la Caixa” Foundation will contact the individuals who you listed via e-mail. In the e-mail, we will provide them with a webpage address where they can fill in and send the letter using an on-line form.
I have already provided my referees’ information on the on-line application platform. How long will ”la Caixa” Foundation take to contact them?
Contact is immediate. ”la Caixa” Foundation automatically sends them the e-mail as soon as you have provided the requested information.
My referees do not speak English. Can they write the reference letter in Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese?
No. Some evaluators participating in the selection processes may not understand Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese. The reference letters must be written in English.
What is the Diploma Supplement?
The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document issued by the university where you pursued your studies, which grants EU-wide recognition to your academic curriculum. It consists of an annex to the academic qualification, detailing the subjects covered, languages used, credits obtained, competencies acquired, academic results, and professional qualifications of the graduate from the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree programme, with their name(s) and surname(s), among other reliable accreditations all over Europe.
Can I attach, as accreditation of my academic record, the list of grades which I have access to from my university’s intranet?
Yes, provided that, as stated in the programme entry requirements, all subjects and grades, year by year, as well as the total credits of the qualification and the credits awarded, are specified. In addition, your name, the name of the university, and the name of the qualification should clearly appear.
With regard to my academic record, what documentation should I attach?
In the “Documents” section of the application, attach your transcript of academic record for your bachelor’s, licenciatura, or diplomatura degree. You can also include the transcript of academic record for other studies that you have pursued, provided that you only upload one single pdf.
In the “CV” section of the application, state your bachelor’s, licenciatura, or diplomatura studies first, although they may not be the most relevant to the studies that you wish to pursue. If you have two or more bachelor’s, licenciatura, or diplomatura degrees, then state the studies that are more relevant to the studies that you wish to pursue first.
With regard to my academic record, what documentation should I attach if I have not yet completed my studies?
Attach the transcript of academic record up until the present.
There are aspects of my academic or professional curriculum that I cannot accredit with any document. Can I include them in the application all the same?
No. You can only include what you can accredit with original documents in your application. Should you get the fellowship and be unable to accredit any of the achievements mentioned in your application, the fellowship will be withdrawn.
I have already been accepted to my host university. Even so, should I submit all documentation specified in the entry requirements?
Yes. The requirements to apply for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship have nothing to do with the universities’ admission requirements for students.
I have already been accepted to my host university. They have accepted me with a language proficiency level lower than that called for in the ”la Caixa” Foundation programme entry requirements. Even so, should I accredit the level stated in the entry requirements?
Yes. The requirements to apply for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship have nothing to do with the universities’ admission requirements for students.
Can I attach, as accreditation of my language proficiency level, a screenshot of the webpage showing my qualifications or should I present the official certificate?
You can attach a “screenshot” showing your qualifications, provided that your name can be clearly seen. Should you get the fellowship, you must submit the original document to us.
I have a language certificate that accredits a level equal to or greater than that specified in the programme entry requirements, but it has already expired. Do I have to accredit my level with a valid certificate?
Not necessarily. We will accept your language accreditation despite the fact that it has already expired, but you should bear in mind that the host universities will require a valid certificate for your admission to them.
I have in-depth knowledge of the language for which you require accreditation, as I have lived in that country for many years / I have already studied in that country or in that language / I have studied Philology or Translation studies in that language / it is my native language/ etc. Even so, should I likewise submit any of the accreditations that appear in the entry requirements?
Only if you pursued postgraduate studies (minimum of 2 academic courses) in the same language as the chosen studies applied for, you will be exempt from submitting a language certificate, as long as the language of instruction for these postgraduate studies was the official language in the country where they were pursued.
Is it possible for me to submit my language certificate after the deadline specified in the programme entry requirements?
No. An additional deadline has already been considered for all programmes, beyond the deadline for applications, to submit this accreditation.
In the case I didn’t have a document, certificate or letter of recommendation by the deadline of applications , would it be possible for me to send it a few days later?
No. Each and every one of the requirements and deadlines must be duly complied with. Any incomplete application on the deadline for applications will be disregarded.
I did not get the fellowship. Can I appeal or redress this decision?
No, the committees’ decision is final and unappealable. The submission of an application for a ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowship implies the applicant's express acceptance of both the programme entry requirements and the decisions made during the shortlisting and selection processes for applications.
Is it possible for me to find out the reasons why my application did not pass the shortlisting or selection interview?
No. ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, which means that the individuals evaluating the applications make their decisions by choosing those who, in their opinion, are the best among those applying. Every year, ”la Caixa” Foundation receives a very large number of applications for all the fellowship programmes for postgraduate studies. For this reason, the fact that an application has not passed either the shortlisting or selection interview does not necessarily mean that it has weak points or mistakes, but instead, there were other applications that received more favourable consideration than those that were finally rejected based on the criterion of the panels of professors evaluating them.
Is it possible for me to learn who evaluated my application?
No. According to standard practice in the selection processes using the peer review system, applicants are not informed of the identity of the individuals who will evaluate their application or of the composition of the selection boards who will interview the applicants. Nevertheless, once the selection processes have ended, a list of all the professors and researchers who took part in them will be made public.
What criteria are followed to reject applicants during the interviews?
The applicants who pass the shortlisting process will be called in for a face-to-face screening interview.
The face-to-face interview seeks to:
Delve into the information provided in the application, particularly with regard to the applicant’s academic and personal project.
Ask about matters that were not included in the application and which the committee considers particularly relevant to evaluate the suitability of the applicant in pursuing the studies proposed.
Evaluate the applicant’s academic and professional potential.
Evaluate their all-round training, interests, concerns, and curiosity for the social, scientific, economic, cultural, or artistic context, although this is not directly related to their studies.
Evaluate, if the committee deems it necessary, their foreign language proficiency level.
Evaluate their personal and academic maturity, their motivation to complete the proposed studies and project, and their capacity to clearly express their ideas and firmly defend them.
During the interview, the members of the selection committee may ask for clarifications and pose the academic, personal, or professional questions that they deem appropriate with the aim of selecting—among all the individuals interviewed—those who, in their opinion, are deserving of the fellowship.
During the selection processes, is there any kind of quota system by academic discipline to distribute the awarded fellowships?
Yes. You will find this information in the Evaluation guide, available on our website.
My academic record is not excellent. Do I have any chance of getting the fellowship?
The strength of your academic record is just another aspect, among others to be evaluated to determine whether an application passes the preselection or final selection process or not.
During the selection processes, is there any kind of quota system in place for disadvantaged individuals?
No, the selection and preselection processes are exclusively governed by the criteria of academic excellence, and no quotas that take any other factors into account are in place.
How long is the interview?
Approximately twenty minutes.
If I pass the shortlisting process and I am called in for a selection interview, will there be questions in English, even though it is not the medium of instruction of the studies for which I am applying for the fellowship?
Yes. The interview will be conducted wholly or partly in English and in the medium of instruction of the studies to be pursued.
Can I submit audiovisual documentation during the interview?
No. The on-line form through which the application was made already provides for the possibility of attaching audiovisual files and links to on-line content; therefore, documentation of this type should only be submitted using the on-line form.
Can I submit any additional documentation during the interview?
No, under no circumstances.
I have just registered on the on-line application platform but the access codes are not working. How can I resolve this?
To activate the account as an applicant, it is necessary to click on the link that you receive in the registration e-mail. If your e-mail account disables the links (e.g. Hotmail accounts tend to do this), you should copy the link to your browser’s address bar. Your access codes will not be activated until you have completed this step.
I cannot register on the on-line application platform because I made a mistake when I provided my username (e-mail address). What should I do?
Send a scanned copy of your National Identity Card to [email protected] so that we can verify your information and make the necessary corrections.
I would like to include more information than what the on-line application platform allows in my curriculum. How can I do this?
The on-line application platform only allows a limited number of sections. You should select the aspects of your curriculum which you consider to best support your application. In the on-line form, you have a text field at the end where you can add additional information that you consider worthy of mention.
The on-line application platform does not allow me to attach digital documents to my application. What should I do?
The documents have a size limit, beyond which the system rejects them and prevents them from being attached to the application. The on-line form specifies the limits for each case. Most of the time, file sizes can be significantly reduced by creating a pdf document and optimising compression settings:
a resolution between 90 and 120 ppp,
black and white or greyscale printing.
I have attached a new file as a replacement of another one that I uploaded previously. I cannot seem to see the new file. Why?
Most likely, you don't see the updated file because of your computer’s cache. You can clear your browser’s cache or delete all temporary files to see the right document.
My referee says that they have already sent the letter, but it doesn't appear as received in my application. What could have happened?
It is possible that the letter has been finished but has not been submitted yet. It is necessary for the referee to submit it for the system to include it in your application.
I want to pursue an English master’s degree at a German/French/Italian/etc. university. Should I likewise have a certain German/French/Italian/etc. proficiency level and provide documentary evidence of this?
No. You should be able to accredit that the studies that you want to pursue are actually taught in English and that you have the language proficiency level specified in the programme entry requirements. However, in this case, knowledge of—no matter how basic—the local language of the host country is a point in the applicant’s favour when evaluating an application.
Part of the international master’s degree that I wish to pursue (Erasmus Mundus or others) is taught at a university in the United Kingdom / Ireland / United States / Canada / Australia / Hong Kong / India / Singapore. With which certificate should I accredit my knowledge of English?
You should accredit your knowledge of English with a valid certificate to apply to either of these countries.
My chosen studies are taught in a language other than English. Can I accredit my knowledge of the language with a high school diploma or a university degree or a diploma with this language as the medium of instruction?
It will only be accepted if the school or university also issues a certificate attesting that a minimum B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was reached.
In my application, I stated the studies that I would like to take up as my first choice, but in case I get the fellowship, could I use it to pay for other studies?
Yes, and you may even change the country, as long as the alternative studies are closely related to the project proposed in the application, you state the academic reasons for the change and you continue to meet all the requirements of the rules of participation. In fact, it is highly recommended that you apply for multiple admissions to maximize your chances of obtaining an admission and thus consolidating your fellowship.
I want to pursue a master’s degree in an EHEA country / in North America. It starts in January. Can I apply for a fellowship?
Fellowship holders who want to pursue studies in an EHEA country or in North America must begin the study programme in the host country in the Fall Term (academic year 2024-2025, in the first case, and academic year 2025-2026, in the second one), unless the programme for which the fellowship was awarded is only offered during another period in the academic year. If the master you want to pursue only starts in January, the start of the fellowship will be delayed until then.
I want to carry out research in an EHEA country / in North America and I do not necessarily have to follow the traditional academic calendar, as my adviser allows me to start whenever I want. Should I get the fellowship, would it still begin in September or can I start at the university earlier or later by some months?
On an exceptional basis, and only for predoctoral research stays in centres or universities in these countries, some flexibility may be allowed with regard to when you start at your host institution or university. For all other cases, the start of the fellowship must coincide with the dates stated in the entry requirements of the programme.
I have already been admitted to the American / Asian university where I want to pursue my studies, to start this year or this academic year. Is this possible?
The fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies in North America start in the Fall Term of the year following the call for applications.
The fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies in the Asia-Pacific region start between January and December of the year following the call for applications.
You should ask the university to put your admission on hold until your fellowship begins.
I have already begun my master’s degree programme. Can I apply for the fellowship for the second year of this master’s degree programme?
No. Applications to pursue a master’s degree that already started before the fellowship was awarded will not be accepted.
In my application, I stated the studies that I would like to take up as my first choice, but I am not sure whether they will accept me. Should I be awarded the fellowship, what happens if I am refused admission by the host university?
Should you get the fellowship, the normal procedure for fellowship holders is to send several applications for admission to different universities. Therefore, it is certainly possible to be refused admission to the studies originally specified as the first choice. In any case, all applications made to the different universities or to different programmes should be closely related to the study project written in the application.
If I am refused admission to the university I was planning on, could I change to a university in a different country?
You may only do this if you can accredit, with a certificate issued before the deadline for submission of the language certificate, the same language proficiency level that should be accredited by applicants who choose a university in that country straight away.
I completed my first licenciatura degree before 2015, but since then, I studied a bachelor’s degree that I finished last year. Do I fulfil the eligibility criteria with regard to the dates?
Yes, you do fulfil them and you would be eligible to apply, as you have completed some of the studies enumerated in Section 3.2 of the programme entry requirements in the indicated period of time.
I took up a licenciatura degree, which I completed before 2015, but in the 2021-2022 academic year, I did a master’s degree, which is what makes me eligible to pursue the doctoral studies that I want to take up / I am taking up. Am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
No, in this case you would not be eligible because you cannot accredit bachelor’s or licenciatura studies, or any of the studies enumerated in Section 3.2 of the programme entry requirements, which have to be completed in the indicated period of time.
Should I get the fellowship and the studies that I intend to pursue last more than a year, could I rely on the fact that the fellowship will be automatically renewed up to a maximum of 24 months?
If the studies last more than one academic year, you should request an extension to obtain funding for the second year. Fellowship renewal is conditional on the results obtained during the first year and the submission of a letter of support from the university or centre where the studies are being taken up.
The fellowship covers up to five applications for admission. Should all of them be for universities in the same country, or can I apply for admission in the EHEA, North America and the Asia-Pacific region and then choose?
There is no problem with applying to any of the countries included in the call for applications. However, you must comply with the foreign language knowledge for the country of destination contained at the programme entry requirement 3.3. and you have to take into account the start date of your fellowship, according to the country of destination.
Some of the universities I want to apply to require me to pay for the application before I get to know whether I have been awarded the fellowship or not. If I get the fellowship, will it be possible for me to ask for a reimbursement of these fees?
You will be reimbursed the cost of a maximum of 5 applications fees, regardless of the date on which the payments are made, as long as they are for study programmes of the academic course in which the fellowship begins.