Work4Progress has been designed with Think and Do Tank mindset.
What we do
The Work4Progress programme has been designed with a Think and Do Tank approach, in which member organisations experiment in the field while a group of international experts helps us to capture this knowledge and share it with think tanks and action centres at an international level.
Consequently, in addition to field work we also promote opportunities to generate knowledge in order to incorporate social innovation methodologies in the field of international cooperation for development.
How we do it
Work4Progress is offered as a living lab, a real environment to test new methodologies that may be useful for other philanthropic institutions, governments and organisations specialising in international development.
In order to share all the knowledge acquired, the following are promoted:
Events to share and compare knowledge and experience.
Work4Progress Virtual L@b, an online platform with no geographical barriers.
Systems to monitor and evaluate developments and impact.
Technical assistance by the international volunteer programme CooperantesCaixa.
Platforms that activate innovation
Theoretical framework on which new social innovation platforms can be built in the field of cooperation for sustainable human development.
(Only in Spanish)
Open Innovation platforms
Published on the Open Innovation Platform for Sustainable Development of the UNDP and ”la Caixa” Foundation.