Ethics, Compliance and Ethics Channel - "la Caixa" Foundation
We promote the progress of society by developing lasting solutions to improve the quality of life of everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
In order to carry out our work, at ”la Caixa” Foundation we apply the following principles to our actions:
Compliance of laws and standards: those of us who form part of ”la Caixa” Foundation must at all times conduct our business in an upright, honest manner, complying with:
The legislation and regulations in force.
The Institution's internal regulations.
The applicable principles and code of ethics.
The obligations and commitments undertaken by ”la Caixa” Foundation in its contractual relations with third parties.
Integrity and transparency: those of us who form part of ”la Caixa” Foundation must carry out our activities with integrity, honesty and transparency. We also encourage the social organisations, partners and suppliers the Institution deals with to follow the same standards of conduct.
To this end, our work incorporates the principles of conduct and action contained in the United Nations Global Compact, which we have joined, concerning the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption.Social and environmental responsibility: at ”la Caixa” Foundation we are committed to achieving a more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable world. That's why, as part of our commitment to sustainability, we focus particularly on aligning our strategic programmes with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Respect for people: at ”la Caixa” Foundation we respect people, their dignity and their fundamental values. Accordingly, we promote equal opportunities and will not tolerate any discrimination, harassment, abuse or inappropriate treatment based on gender, race, nationality or any other situation protected by law.
Professionalism and teamwork: the main asset of ”la Caixa” Foundation is its people and the values and principles that motivate them. We are therefore committed to fostering respect and promoting diversity, valuing the capabilities and contribution of each person. At ”la Caixa” Foundation we believe that better results are obtained by working together and combining the particular strengths of each individual.
Ethics Channel
In keeping with our commitment to promote a culture of transparency, ethics and zero tolerance towards behaviour that may violate our by-laws or applicable legislation, ”la Caixa” Foundation has set up an Ethics Channel for you.
The Ethics Channel allows anyone connected with the institution to report, in strict confidence, any infringement or behaviour that is contrary to ethical conduct, the law or our by-laws.
Please consult the Ethics Channel Policy which describes how this channel works, and contact us via the Ethics Channel should the need arise.